Got my first real flashlight


Newly Enlightened
Sep 5, 2008
San Jose,California
Hai guise. New to the forum and flashlights.:wave:

I'm usually out in the mountains driving around and got tired of slightly bulky mags that im used to carrying around. I got close to modding one of mine, but i just decided not to for some reason. I ended up getting a SF 6PDL.
good choice?

oh, and on another note, does anyone make reflectors for d mags? like billet ones or something better than oem.
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Welcome to CPF!:welcome:

I recommend you try the 150 Lumen Task Force "60X Brighter" 2C LED flashlight $30 from Lowes. It runs for hours at full brightness on a single set of batteries. Its output and throw are amazing, it puts out a perfect round bluish white circle of light, and illuminates objects 200+ yards away. I have a 4D Maglite and it is only like 1/3 as bright as the Task Force and has less than half the throw. The Task Force performs more like my 1 million candlepower spotlight.

How does the Surefire 6PDL compare to the Maglite?:popcorn:
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Its MUCH better. Although I must say, LED light is different from the light I'm used to from the standard mags. The contrast might have helped a little bit with vision?....iono. I guess they both have their ups and downs. the SF definately feels like its brighter, smaller, runs longer, and just for sheets und giggles, has the strike bezel in case a mountain lion or coyote wants to get friendly while im checking my tires.

The mext thing i get are the rechargeables and charger from batteryjunction for the 30 bucks or whatever it cost.

flashlight GET :rock:
You might want to look at a Q25A tint drop-in. Warmer colour than a normal LED, which personally I prefer, while not so yellow as the mag.
Any help on stores? ive been looking around and..zbattery and battery junction seem pretty good. any other ones for the things like mag reflectors(im still modding my mags for the FUDGE of it), drop in stuff, and just things of that nature?
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Family forum, watch your language.

As for other P60 type drop-ins for the 6PL, check this thread.

For the Mag, Check this thread.

There are three main sourced of Metal(aluminum) Maglite reflectors that I know of, are you looking for cheap(check KD, one, two, three) or better quality/faster shipping(check Fivemega, who is currently out of reflectors or Litho)?

Welcome to the forum. My 6P was my first real flashlight too. Good choice. No real B&M places exist in our neck of the woods. DX deliveries usually take 2-3 weeks to get here.
REI in sells Inova, surefire, mag, Gerber, Princeton tec and a couple others.
Lowes has only the 6PL, G2L and TF
Mel Cottons sells some coleman, Surefire, smith & Wesson
Frys has streamlite, Pelican, mag, T.O.P. and Inova
Sports Authority sells Gerber and Mag
Then theres the usual Target and wally world.

I have never found anything worth-while at OSH, Costco, home depot or big-5.

Thats pretty much it.
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Congrats on the 6PDL, the 6P was my first "real" light as well.

The next step is a Malkoff drop-in. Then you will be REALLY impressed with what a 6P can do
HAHA....I WaaAAAAaaas actually thinking about that even though I've barely had this thing for a few days. I can never leave anything well alone....MUST MOD MUST MOD MUST MOD! EVERYTHING :clap:. Any of you guise have experience with teh Li-ion cr123 & charger combos on batteryjunction? I was thinking about getting teh combo that includes 4 cells.
HAHA....I WaaAAAAaaas actually thinking about that even though I've barely had this thing for a few days. I can never leave anything well alone....MUST MOD MUST MOD MUST MOD! EVERYTHING :clap:. Any of you guise have experience with teh Li-ion cr123 & charger combos on batteryjunction? I was thinking about getting teh combo that includes 4 cells.

I stand Corrected... thanks Gunner:thumbsup:

Where are you in San Jose? if you are interested... PM me we can hook up and you can try out my DX modules. IMHO they represent the entry level as far as P60 modules go.
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The 6PL(batteryjunction got the order messed up and ended up getting one without the bezel) can't handle the extra voltage? I thought that with leds, that pretty much, you could add some extra voltage(like with the 9P) and have a brighter light without too much ill effects?
Technology is vast in todays age. The output can be digitally regulated to buck the voltage and keep a constant output with great runtime.

BTW, the 6PL does not have a strike bezel

the 6PDL does.
i know. I wanted the bezel and ordered the 6pdl and recieved the 6pl. I figured ill deal without the bezel.

So is it agreed that the stock oem led that comes with the 6pl can handle the extra 1.2 volvts, total of 7.2 volts, from rechargeable 3.6 cr123 cells?
The P60L used in the 6PL can handle up to 9v. It is the same drop-in used in the G3L. 2 fresh off the charger Li-ion batteries are 8.4v, which is lower then the 9v max of the P60L so any 2 RCR123 should be fine.

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