got my incase im homeless again lighting set up choosen


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i like some others been homless . and any one who has been we have that worry again. its always in the back of my head. i always hated when i was homless not having proper lights. becuase i felt safer at night .. well here is my set up it changed many times. but now im going with a 30 watt solar panel and 2 20000 mah battery packs. and a fenix 18r and for latern sofirn latern.. do these sound good?
Sofirn lanterns are good even if a little expensive (at least here in Italy)
I have never bought them, so far I have kept on Fenix CL09, CL23, CL26R lanterns.
I like the CL23 that it can work with three AA batteries (I have many Eneloops) BUT also with a single or two batteries. CL23 and CL26R have in addition to the light_360 degrees the possibility of radiating light at the bottom (3 and 25 lumens)
I find this function useful and effective but this always depends on where and how you will use the lantern.
If you have the option to hang it above you this function is effective and saves batteries.
Sofirn lantern that work with 3x18650 batteries will be very powerful and with much more autonomy than the Fenix models I mentioned.
For your kit I would like to suggest that you check that you have a charger capable of working with USB.
In this way you can connect it to the solar panel or even better to the powerbank_batteria
A Sofirn lantern model that I really like is the LT1S
It can work with 21700 but also with 18650
dang this may be my new dream light i love the 21700 in a latern and that one still is small
There are a lot of reviews about the LT1S model, all of them are very positive.
I like that it has 3 red light levels and the lowest is 10 lumens. I've been using red lights a lot recently and I have to say it's true that it doesn't attract insects.
I really like a lantern that can use two different battery formats, it is in my cart, I'm waiting for confirmation from the seller that it is sold with battery (usually it is sold "with or without")
Im glad to live in a country that provides financial aid & a basic standard of living to people in such situations. Every person has the right to food, water & a roof over their heads. Its shameful that some so-called first world countries would rather let their citizens starve. All the best to you.
ty for the input everyone the part that was the worst was how cold at night it would get. i slept behind a hotel had no tent. i was so vey cold. i also told no one i knew i was homless i was so ashamed . i was also not into going to the food kitchens. . my break came when a old freind saw me going thru the trash to find some plastic to wrap up to stay warm. was looking for discared shower curtains.
I did a little traveling in my younger days and when in Geneva I stayed at a homeless shelter for several days as it was the cheapest option (homeless people did not have to pay but I did obviously) and I met some wonderful people there. Including an American who in a former life was a high flying lawyer, but when his marriage ended he lost everything and ended up homeless.

Everyone I met there was really friendly and had some great stories to tell.
I did a little traveling in my younger days and when in Geneva I stayed at a homeless shelter for several days as it was the cheapest option (homeless people did not have to pay but I did obviously) and I met some wonderful people there. Including an American who in a former life was a high flying lawyer, but when his marriage ended he lost everything and ended up homeless.

Everyone I met there was really friendly and had some great stories to tell.
About 20 years ago, there was a website with a staggering amount of excellent articles. Mostly about knives, but some flashlight ones. One of the best ones was an article titled "The Joy of Homelessness."

Obviously, sarcasm with the title. Written by an individual who had been homeless for numerous months at a time straight. Thankfully, his lot in life did improve. Detailed everything he went through. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the horrendous. Fascinating read. Unfortunately the site hosting the article became a zombie site for over 10 years. Tried logging onto it a couple of months back. But it's completely gone off the face of the internet. That article, along with many more interesting ones, gone! Maybe some other site is hosting the article. Worth reading if anyone stumbles onto it.
I was doing a night paving job one fall late in the season. When heading for a cup of coffee,while sitting at a red light I saw a fellow unfold a box and lay out newspaper under the eve of a bank front.

I got home from work and did snow angels on the carpet of my apartment. About a year before that I had to sleep in my truck briefly so I was very thankful to have an apartment with food in the kitchen and an actual bed to sleep in.

Life had taken a sudden turn and I fell from grace faster than a bullet. I met others in my situation and later saw they too had found favor with karma and were doing ok.

Back then everything was still incan so I had a cheap 2D flashlight that is currently magnetized to my refrigerator. Oh it has an LED bulb and fed by Eneloops these days just in case……
dang this may be my new dream light i love the 21700 in a latern and that one still is small
Sofirn LT1S lantern arrived today and I am impressed, I have many Fenix lanterns but this one is superior, if it also had the lower light like the Fenix CL26R it would be the perfect lantern.
Very beautiful 2700K warm light, the red light is amazing for its power (3 levels of red light)

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