Placed my Boxer order late monday.Got here 11am Wed !!!! 2 days folks.
First I have to thank Mike over at PTS. This guy always is nice to us CPFers. Sweet discount, great service and super fast low cost shipping !!
Mike knows ALOT about his products for sure.This means the world to me, I hate asking a vendor about a product and they have NO clue.
The revised boxer has : revised reflect area,wider focus range and MUCH faster startup.
It is about 1/3 the size of a PL24. Short and fat.Focus is similar to a M*g light.Twist the top from spot to flood.Works great.
Reflect area is LOP.Next to my PL24 the boxer does not throw as far.This is not a bad thing as I have no use lighting up 1/4 a mile away.Boxer has MUCH more flood/spill.Even at full spot mode.
Overall quality is like all other Wolf Eyes notch.
VERY heavy construction.
***PL24 diffusers and filters fit right on the boxer **Shhhhhhhh
I like everything about the new boxer and give it a huge thumbs up:thumbsup:
For those that care :Came in a nifty black box with foamy compartments and instructions.
Put it in my lumen box the very first run ever.Sorry, dont have a graph.Roughy went like this:
By 5 seconds was well over 100L
By 10 sec well over 1000L
Color is fine,I can tell black from white and blue from red and such.It is NOT horribly blue like some.
I will keep this light for sure. Its just another great design and bang-for-the-buck from Wolf Eyes.
Any of your on the fence about a HID ..pull the trigger!
My 2 cents
First I have to thank Mike over at PTS. This guy always is nice to us CPFers. Sweet discount, great service and super fast low cost shipping !!
Mike knows ALOT about his products for sure.This means the world to me, I hate asking a vendor about a product and they have NO clue.
The revised boxer has : revised reflect area,wider focus range and MUCH faster startup.
It is about 1/3 the size of a PL24. Short and fat.Focus is similar to a M*g light.Twist the top from spot to flood.Works great.
Reflect area is LOP.Next to my PL24 the boxer does not throw as far.This is not a bad thing as I have no use lighting up 1/4 a mile away.Boxer has MUCH more flood/spill.Even at full spot mode.
Overall quality is like all other Wolf Eyes notch.
VERY heavy construction.
***PL24 diffusers and filters fit right on the boxer **Shhhhhhhh
I like everything about the new boxer and give it a huge thumbs up:thumbsup:
For those that care :Came in a nifty black box with foamy compartments and instructions.
Put it in my lumen box the very first run ever.Sorry, dont have a graph.Roughy went like this:
By 5 seconds was well over 100L
By 10 sec well over 1000L
Color is fine,I can tell black from white and blue from red and such.It is NOT horribly blue like some.
I will keep this light for sure. Its just another great design and bang-for-the-buck from Wolf Eyes.
Any of your on the fence about a HID ..pull the trigger!
My 2 cents