GOT MY NEW BOXER !!! /Mini Review


Nov 18, 2006
NJ /Oh / Fla
Placed my Boxer order late monday.Got here 11am Wed !!!! 2 days folks.

First I have to thank Mike over at PTS. This guy always is nice to us CPFers. Sweet discount, great service and super fast low cost shipping !!
Mike knows ALOT about his products for sure.This means the world to me, I hate asking a vendor about a product and they have NO clue.

The revised boxer has : revised reflect area,wider focus range and MUCH faster startup.

It is about 1/3 the size of a PL24. Short and fat.Focus is similar to a M*g light.Twist the top from spot to flood.Works great.

Reflect area is LOP.Next to my PL24 the boxer does not throw as far.This is not a bad thing as I have no use lighting up 1/4 a mile away.Boxer has MUCH more flood/spill.Even at full spot mode.

Overall quality is like all other Wolf Eyes notch.
VERY heavy construction.

***PL24 diffusers and filters fit right on the boxer **Shhhhhhhh

I like everything about the new boxer and give it a huge thumbs up:thumbsup:

For those that care :Came in a nifty black box with foamy compartments and instructions.

Put it in my lumen box the very first run ever.Sorry, dont have a graph.Roughy went like this:

By 5 seconds was well over 100L
By 10 sec well over 1000L

Color is fine,I can tell black from white and blue from red and such.It is NOT horribly blue like some.

I will keep this light for sure. Its just another great design and bang-for-the-buck from Wolf Eyes.

Any of your on the fence about a HID ..pull the trigger!

My 2 cents
Right on Fastcar! I have had my Boxer 24 for many months now and I still love it just as much. Just got back from a trip to Big Sur on the Calif coast. Used my Boxer from a cliff 350 feet over the Pacific. The thing was an absolute light cannon!

I took all that nice sculptured foam from the box and dropped it in a Pelican 1200 case. Here's what you get:


I too, cannot say enough about the fast, friendly service from Mike at He's a great guy to deal with.

Good choice on the boxer!

Have fun,
Very nice light. Fastcar, why did you choose the Boxer vs the Shark 10/24W? I'm shopping between these two and the Xenide. I currently own the AE PL24.
I prefer the Wolf Eyes over the xenide.I like the VERY small size.

As far as Shark VS Boxer. I just dont care about a 10W mode or the LEDs.

I have other lights for less light.I grab a HID when I need serious light.
I prefer the Wolf Eyes over the xenide.I like the VERY small size.

As far as Shark VS Boxer. I just dont care about a 10W mode or the LEDs.

I have other lights for less light.I grab a HID when I need serious light.
Why did you choose the Boxer instead of the Microfire Warrior K2000R? I believe the Warrior is fully regulated.

And I agree 100% with you on the "serious" light need. If I need less light I just pull an LED or a small incan from my pocket.
I tested a warrior, rather then trash it..I will just say mine had SEVERAL quality issues.

Just got back from night dog walk #1.Beam on the new boxer is very usable. Full spot still has plenty of spill.I seem to like it between spot and full flood.Just b4 you get the dark middle thing like a M*g or other adjusty light.

I will call it best flood.At best flood the amount of light is just crazy.Lights up the local football and baseball fields N.P. at night.

Lit up 1 of my test areas ( 400x 400 clearing in the dark woods) like 12 noon.

I actually giggled when it was on at first. The amount of quality light out of a small package is just F'N crazy.I have owned or tested 10+ HIDs.

**For those that have OR may grab one.Make sure to clean ALL contacts with Deoxit.Even brand new I pulled tons of crud off every metal area that conducts.I did not do a b4 and after test but it cant hurt to be clean and treated with pro gold.

Why did you choose the Boxer instead of the Microfire Warrior K2000R? I believe the Warrior is fully regulated.

And I agree 100% with you on the "serious" light need. If I need less light I just pull an LED or a small incan from my pocket.
Hi guys :wave:
The Boxer is fully regulated as well not to mention the battery magazine convenience and the ability to use any18650 battery, of course Wolf Eyes recommends the LRB's since they are one of the best.
Hi guys :wave:
The Boxer is fully regulated as well not to mention the battery magazine convenience and the ability to use any18650 battery, of course Wolf Eyes recommends the LRB's since they are one of the best.
Ok, I'm sold out on the Boxer! I was going to buy the Microfire but now I guess my money is going to PTS pretty soon... How about that nice discount? LOL

I'd like to buy the RTR (ready-to-run) Boxer with everything needed to light that sucker just right out the box. Is the 10W model also fully regulated?

Thanks in advance.
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I got a Microfire K2000R and love it no issue what so ever. May be they already solved all the problem.I got it 2weeks ago and play with it since, very fast start up time 500 lumens instantly and fully bright in less than 30 seconds.
Ran the new boxer last night about a full hour.Lumens never changed.It is regulated for sure.

Again I wont bother trashing the warrior,I will just say Wolf Eyes boxer is MUCH better made.

Im not sure why, for some reason on any light the Wolf Eyes 168a works better then any generic 18650 I try.
I guess you get what you pay for in this case.
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***Not sure if this is on topic but it is HID/boxer related.

Local burger joint has scratch off game pices.Was playing with the boxer and had a game piece in hand.If I lay the game pice face up on the boxer I can kinda see through it and pick a win every time.

Ok call he a hack or cheet..I dont care.
In fact : Muhahah

I dare Mcdonnalds or B-king to put out some game pieces !!!!

Would anybody please answer me if the 10W/123X Boxer is regulated too? This would be the ultimate hiking light in cases it makes good efficient use of the primaries...
Ok, I'm sold out on the Boxer! I was going to buy the Microfire but now I guess my money is going to PTS pretty soon... How about that nice discount? LOL

I'd like to buy the RTR (ready-to-run) Boxer with everything needed to light that sucker just right out the box. Is the 10W model also fully regulated?

Thanks in advance.
All the Boxer's 10W and 24W are fully regulated :thumbsup: and ready to rock & roll right out of the box.
Well after all that......
I just got off the phone to Mike, what a nice guy, and my Boxer is going to be on its way over to sunny UK within the next couple of days......yipeeeee !!! My first HID cant wait !!

Regards All
Exactly what changes were made on this version of the Boxer? I was wondering what the beam quality is like on tight focus, and a litte floodier, artifact-wise. Especially vs a PL24 or Xenide.
That's awesome... I don't think I have heard of that happening here.
Now you just have to convince here you need something bigger and better....