Green Filter for 1" Bezel Flashlights?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 28, 2007
I have an EDC Ultimate 60XR (i.e. 1" bezel) and have bought Surefires' red and blue filters. However, I really need a green one for hunting. Why don't they have the same filter in green? Does anyone know where I can get a green filter?
That's something I have never been able to figure out. Surefire offers red and blue, and Streamlight offers green. You would think both companies would offer all 3 colors.

Also FWIW, the Streamlight Clipmate with green leds makes an excellent woods light. Very affordable too!
Yes, it would be nice if Surefire offered a green filter. Hopefully they are listening.

Thanks! Which one of the Streamlight fliters work on the 1" bezel. I can't seem to find one.
Thanks Flash Gordon,
I just ordered from MidSouth. Great pricing.
In terms of the other filters, I checked everything and there doesn't seem to be ones that fit the 1: bezel. All of the other ones fit the 1.25" one which doesn't help me. I ordered the Quake Industries ones.
Should be great!
Thanks all!
Yes, I realize you're looking for filters that fit 1" bezels...but thought I'd throw this out there...

Sportsman's Warehouse sells a 3 filter set (flip-up, red, blue, green) that fit 1 1/4" bezels for about $10.

Item #52999
Anyone know a Bushwacker supplier that'll ship overseas (i.e. to your ANZUS Ally ;) )?

I've just wasted some money trying some other scope cover manufacturers with no success :( Bushwacker isn't in Aus anymore...