Grr! this makes me mad!

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 23, 2008
below polar circle.. in country which used to make

Got Flat Tire! Gaodd*mmiitt! have driven over a flathead screw obviously.. as it was just sitting there shining bright.

ok gotta change the bald octagonshaped old spare in it then..

in the snow.

(no didnt need my flashlight as it was still bright out... althou i did use it for fun when i saw the screw head in the tire.. "shining bright" comment kinda gave that away i think)

ohkay changed.. man i already forgot how much those 4wd wheels weigh and its hard to get the car jacked high enough!

*note to self buy one of those dedicated 4wheeler lifters*

now to the tyreshop.. but but.. its already after 5pm.. all are closed for today.

arrgghhhh! i didnt need the car today. could of changed it tomorrow and then gone to shop but didnt look at the clock!

im firm believer of "Manana" method.. "dont do it today that you can leave for tomorrows list of things not to do today".

ok will go to tyreshop tomorrow then.

and one thing that makes me even more mad..

i was thinking about buying sfc burkett today. but as new tyre will cost money i couldnt.


i hate beeing unemployed and poor!

GrrrrGRRrr arrgg!! murrr!
*mumbles angrily something he himself downs undertand..* and also few perkele!

rant over.. just gotta write this into somewhere.. admins delete if not okay.

*oh, and now one more thing to get pissed about.. my laptop crashed again!!*

When things start to go wrong..

they really go WRONG at the same time!

now my "tivo" is acting up!


tyre is fixed. didnt buy new one just had the guy fix the puncture. i´ll do for this winter.

laptop still overheats.. need to start saving for new one.

but now if that tv-recording device breaks down i am f*KKED! got nearly 50hours of useful interesting programs in it! and another 30h of just what ever tv shows.


Paska tekniikkaa! has lots of procaster boxes in the "returned" section right now.... in the Ruoholahti store. FYI. ;)

romu mikä romu.

no problems with this one yet since i bought it..

topfield.. used daily and got it hmm.. summer 2006. thats long time for household electronic item these days.

so i guess its days might be numbered anyways.

but still pisses me off.

hmm it looks that it "records" fine.. but on playback it runs few minutes and then freeze frame and needs to be shut down and then on restart that last used file is corrupted.
I just got a flat tire on my truck a few days ago from a sharp rock that penetrated between the thicker tire tread. It's always fun to change flats on the side of the road isn't it. :rolleyes:

Whenever I get that fed-up with things I always have to stop and consider how thankful I am for all the things that aren't screwed up. I receive a lot of grace in my life so when the day, week, month, or year just hasn't been quite what I was expecting or hoping for, I can always focus on the many things that turned out good which I didn't even ask for. The other thing that helps to get me back on track is to remove my thoughts about myself and put my attention and effort into someone else's life. I know that sounds cheesy and I'm not trying to be, it just seems that's the truth of it. :)

I hope your day improves and everything gets sorted out. :wave:
Them Idiots vandalised my car and rummaged thru my storage house and trashed the place.

looks like kids going rampage. long weekend and decided to crash the place.

didnt have to break to get in my car.. but they did break the sidemirror.. good luck finding one for 60s car over here! ESPECIALLY for the passanger side! GRRR!!

Unacceptable language removed. - Empath

if i catch them i will hit them, hard. how many times i do it depends how old they are and whats their additude when talked to. act idiot, get treated as grownup, act apoletic kid, get kidgloves.

police has been informed too.. just hoping they get them b4 i do.
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