H1N1 Vaccine Toxic?

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I'll trust something like that when it comes from a peer-reviewed source, not some internet Jane-Doe.

BTW, 4 different pharmaceutical companies are testing H1N1 vaccine here in Costa Rica. One has already finished their field trials, and AFIAK is seeking (or has already received) approval for its deployment. No complications whatsover have been reported.

The other 3 companies are still testing.
I've always been skeptical with vaccines, especially for the viral flu

keep in mind that vaccines are created from a cultured "modified" strain of a disease where it is stable enough that the body can synthesize and produce antibodies.

While this will work adequately for bacterial diseases...a virus mutates about once a month or two by minutely altering their sugar shell...how effective if a modified strain that's kept in stasis during the entire time of its development becomes questionable.

If a persons immune system is already weak either from an existing sickness or recovering from a previous one...a vaccine may put them in a worse position than their existing conditions, but it varies from person to person.
Of course vaccines are bad, especially since here in the US we use avirulent strains. This isn't news.

"I beg to differ sir". - Val Kilmer Tombstone

What about the polio vaccine?

George Washington protected his troops from smallpox in 1777 using a forerunner of vaccination called "variolation".
Is it toxic? Who knows?

There are a few things that are known that pose serious things to think about.

I recall the big Swine Flu scare of 1976. A vaccine was developed and everyone was urged to get the shot. In the end not one person died from the Swine Flu but the vaccine did kill people. That didn't quite work out as planned.

There is also the issue of lead time. Without getting into conspiracies it is very easy to find credible scientific sources who state that in the time it takes to develop and produce usable quantities of any flu vaccine there is a high probability that the virus will have mutated and will no longer be affected by the vaccine.

That seems like kind of a double whammie -- on the one side the folks who make the vaccine have no idea how many will die from unintended side effects they inadvertantly built into their product and if that's not bad enough the target virus may have mutated to the extent that it will have no significant impact anyway. Okaaaaay.

I'll be passing on the Swine Flu vaccine. Even in the 21st century there are a plethora of long shots that are more attractive to bet on.
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I live in the UK and get offered a free flu jab every year as I have heart disease and diabetes, and I've never refused.

And this year will be no different.

Take the jab.

Loads of people over here have already died from this disease, and it's not a pleasant death, with people drowning from the liquid produced from their own lungs.

Against a one in a million chance the inoculation will harm me, I'll take that risk.
I meant present day today.

By 2004, cases of poliomyelitis in Africa had been reduced to just a small number of isolated regions in the western portion of the continent, with sporadic cases elsewhere. However, recent opposition to vaccination campaigns has evolved, often relating to fears that the vaccine might induce sterility. The disease has since resurged in Nigeria and in several other African nations, which epidemiologists cite is due to refusals by certain local populations to allow their children to receive the polio vaccine.

Over 100,000 troops have been given smallpox vaccine in the last 6 years.

I think these two examples qualify as today.

All children are currently required to get polio vaccinations upon entering school in Illinois.
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This is the kind of thing that makes it feel like the 70's again. We have the feeling the "real" testing of this vaccine will occur when it hits the mass populace.

Link between swine flu jab and deadly syndrome will be probed
Neurologists have been ordered to monitor whether new swine flu vaccinations could trigger a deadly nerve disease.
Is it toxic? Who knows?

There are a few things that are known that pose serious things to think about.

I recall the big Swine Flu scare of 1976. A vaccine was developed and everyone was urged to get the shot. In the end not one person died from the Swine Flu but the vaccine did kill people. That didn't quite work out as planned.

There is also the issue of lead time. Without getting into conspiracies it is very easy to find credible scientific sources who state that in the time it takes to develop and produce usable quantities of any flu vaccine there is a high probability that the virus will have mutated and will no longer be affected by the vaccine.

That seems like kind of a double whammie -- on the one side the folks who make the vaccine have no idea how many will die from unintended side effects they inadvertantly built into their product and if that's not bad enough the target virus may have mutated to the extent that it will have no significant impact anyway. Okaaaaay.

I'll be passing on the Swine Flu vaccine. Even in the 21st century there are a plethora of long shots that are more attractive to bet on.

Everything you said here is true.

As of this week the WHO claims 3,486 deaths so far from H1N1.
The 1918 Spanish flu, an H1N1 strain, killed an estimated 50 million people.

I believe the world is responding to the possibility of the worst case scenario.

No, not really. It's a cute letter with plenty of buzzwords but not much real science. In addition to having no peer review it has no proper references, works cited, or any other sort of way so that readers can go directly research for themselves the claims being made.

I'd say the end of the document tells a lot about the motives and ultimate reliability of the author.

Critical thinking is a skill that must be exercised, it doesn't stay strong if it isn't used.
I missed the swine flu shot of 1976, took the one in 1980.
Have taken the seasonal flu shot every year since 1999.
I'm still around.

In Canada the seasonal flu shot had always been without the use of adjuvants.
At the request of the WHO the Canadian (actually all) H1N1 shots will be using adjuvants to make the vaccine go farther. 4X the number of doses.
With a totally new strain of virus or for people taking a flu vaccine for the 1st time, it has been the practice to give 2 shots to build up immunity. In initial testing H1N1 has proven mild enough only 1 shot may be required. So I will be going down to the H1N1 clinic and going OW-OW-OW to get 1/8 the original planned dose of vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine is in a separate shot so I'll go OW-OW-OW a second time. :sigh:

Adjuvants are not new. While most North American vaccines in the past have not used them, they are in regular use in other countries with minimal additional side effects. I think the person writing in the link from the OP is panicking over the unknown (adjuvant).

The current form of H1N1 is relatively mild.
Quoting the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: DON'T PANIC.
When the "Swine Flu" 1st showed up in Mexico the only confirmed cases were those who have died. So there was panic over a "100% deadly easily transmitted disease". When it was later discovered the disease had been around for 3 months and millions have been infected fear had already set in.
While H1N1 has now spread around the globe, we are not seeing massive numbers of deaths. It is towards the end of the flu season in Australia, Argentina, South Africa and no panic there.
Most of the 'panic' is amongst politicians with no training and experience in infectious diseases, who promised to get vaccines ready, now stuck with keeping their word.
i will still be taking my flu shots - both H1N1 and seasonal. No wish to have a fever, ache all over and bedridden for weeks.

Canadian schools are planning to send all sick kids home. This will not only slow the spread of H1N1 but also seasonal flu and the common cold.
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I'm not worried about swine flu (everyone in my school says it with a solemn, mocking voice). I'm young, with a pretty good immune system. i eat a healthy, balanced diet including lots of fruit and vegetables. I get regular exercise.

But if I get it, I'm not worried either. I'll just isolate myself from my family to the best of my ability, keep clean, and do everything else like I've done when I had the flu last time. It's so overblown.

And I think that scribd article is bs, for reasons stated. Come on people, it's just the flu. Get over it. Be careful to limit your exposure in the first place, but if you do get sick, well, you just have to treat it like the regular flu. Take a few days from work or school (believe me, nobody will mind) and try to relax. Keep, clean, etc.

I will start to worry, if it mutates, and becomes >10% deadly.


Read and learn. I know from experience what this can do. Just for a start it cures Malaria within hours. I won't discuss it further and won't try to defend it from any 'naysayers'. If you say you can't afford $20 for a years worth of this to try it yourself then do yourself a favor and sell a flashlight. Info on this was only made public in 2006 after over 50,000 cases of Malaria were cured with it.
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Read and learn. I know from experience what this can do. Just for a start it cures Malaria within hours. I won't discuss it further and won't try to defend it from any 'naysayers'. If you say you can't afford $20 for a years worth of this to try it yourself then do yourself a favor and sell a flashlight. Info on this was only made public in 2006 after over 50,000 cases of Malaria were cured with it.



Read and learn. I know from experience what this can do. Just for a start it cures Malaria within hours. I won't discuss it further and won't try to defend it from any 'naysayers'. If you say you can't afford $20 for a years worth of this to try it yourself then do yourself a favor and sell a flashlight. Info on this was only made public in 2006 after over 50,000 cases of Malaria were cured with it.

There is one born every minute...
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