Handicapped Parking Question


Aug 3, 2004
My brother has developed arthritis which now makes it very difficult for him to walk without a cane, etc. He has decided to apply for a handicapped parking permit through the DMV in IL. They have two versions: A windshield placard that is moveable and hangs from the car's rearview mirror, or a permanent license plate that is designated for handicapped usage. He can qualify for either version. I'm helping him with this, and am wondering which type would be better. The portable placard can be moved from vehicle to vehicle easily if he is not in his own car, but I have heard that they are targets for thieves. He doesn't really ride in others' cars very often, but it would be convenient if he did. Any thoughts from those who have been through this process?
I'm in Canada, so it's probably a bit different, but I opted for the placard that I can put on the dash (not one that hangs from the mirror) simply bacause it can be moved from vehicle to vehicle if needed.

I had a temporary one for 3 years, but because of the recent spread of the arthritis (osteo) to my spine, hips, and knees, I now have a permanent pass.
You can keep the hang tag in the glove box when not in use. When you are using it, you are generally in the very front of a public lot where thieves are unlikely. When you are not using it, it's safely out of sight. Overall, it reduces the chances of anyone taking it off.

I have also heard of thieves taking the license plate off, since is admittedly far more accessible most of the time.
Here in Texas you can get only one vehicle plate, and one hang from the mirror tag. The vehicle plate is best IMO, because I've been with my wife's parents and observed them forget to put the mirror tag up. Other users leave the tag in place while driving, which is a sight obstruction and should not be done.

When he rides with others, it's not that hard for the driver to drop him off at the entrance of whatever store, etc. he's going to. My step mom has mobility issues, and Dad always drops her at the door and then parks.

Check and see if he can get both.

I went with the removable - that when when I do travel, I have my tag, plus if I have to take my wife's car there is no problem

I've not heard of folks breaking in (here in NYC) to get a handicapped tag