We should be pretty much in favor of the laws like this in my neck of the woods since we just passed the first anniversary of an accident that claimed the lives of 5 high school girls. It seems that the driver was texting, veered into the path of an oncoming tractor trailer, and that's literally all she wrote. Just imagine the horror of the family and friends. You'd think that would have been a good enough incentive, but no.
There are people who will shop in my store but cannot control their shopping carts while talking on a hands free phone. They run into shelves, displays, and best of all, other people. They never once say "excuse me,' let alone "sorry." These self absorbed morons certainly cannot drive safely but you know they're out there talking and texting while they are on the road.
Distracted driving happens all around me and I have to keep my eyes out for these idiots more and more every day. A hands free device is a better choice, but screw it -- just hang up and drive for crying out loud. That call can wait.