Hands up whos sick of....

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 14, 2007
People dissing Deal Extreme for making a mistake....
honestly, if you are going to be cheap, then do not expect too much in way of service. As it is, IMHO deal has one of the best customer services around, they replace stuff, no questions asked, and they do thier best, Sure they make mistakes, instead of complaining, send them a ticket, they DO help. I am SOOOOOO sick :scowl: of people hating on dx and flaming them every oppotunity they get...and awberke, yes i know its frustrating, but having an extra MicroSD reader around isnt THAT bad...

yes, it takes ages for your parcels to arrive, but that IS NOT deal extreme's fault, you want cheap shipping? you pay the price in waiting time, if you want your item fast, then upgrade your shipping. dealextreme does NOT control the ships/airplanes, customs, etc etc. Sure the odd order takes more time to actually ship. Sure its frustrating, but with the prices thier offering, you really cant complain.

The only possible complaint one could have is if an order is taking months to SHIP from deal, then okay, complain, but not here..

Sasha, sorry this isnt in cheers and jeers, but I just cant stand to see another thread about dealextreme and thier "bad service", and all the unfunny sarcasm,and a good company getting flamed the way deal is getting.

I disagree, I do understand that people feel fooled
and I think it would be good if we where allowed to ventilate
our frustration here on CPF, this is where we hang, why censor it?
+1 You get what you pay for, DX is slow the products variable, we are all aware of their shortcomings, so why complain?.
I don't understand the problem with dealer extreme. I never heard of them till i joined this forum, then i quickly learned from reading various threads here that they sell cheap lights and take forever to ship. I stopped buying cheap lights about the very moment i joined CPF and began to learn what was crap and what was worth the extra money. Since joining, i've been researching lights and buying surefires,inovas and streamlights......so i don't have ANY problem with DX !!! :D
Dont get me wrong:kiss:, I like DX, great source for modders etc, but why not let them know how to become even better.
You cannot blame people for getting disappointed, Crenshaw. And I really think it's quite pathetic and immature to open a new thread just for this. Consumers have every right to vent out their disappointments in a product or service whether this from a big company or a small one, whether the product is cheap or not. I too, would be very mad if I am vigorously waited for a drop in and I received a MicroSD reader, which I did not order... BECAUSE I DON'T NEED IT!

Ok maybe it's cheap like you said, but for others, a $10 bent out of shape drop in, is still a $10 down the drain. Maybe for a daddy's little rich boy like you, a $10 is worth nothing, but for some of us money is quite hard to earn. And BTW, looking for a cheap bargain is not a crime. So please for goodness sake, quite the BS talk about getting what we deserve for shopping cheap.

"The only possible complaint one could have is if an order is taking months to SHIP from deal, then okay, complain, but not here.."

So they where in the wrong forum... aren't you in the wrong forum too!? You try to correct one's mistake with another mistake, a more pathetic one IMO. Little boy, you must remember to examine the plank in your eye before you remove the eye speck of another.

Frankly ... I AM SICK OF YOU!
Im not against letting them know, im all for it, but if you look in the LED subforum today alone, you will see two threads who seem to actually hate kyle and his team....and i just dont like seeing that...

people generally just have to wait a long time,and are pissed about that. Like i said, deal tries to get stuff done right, and if they make a mistake, remember that they:
1. do not ask you to ship the item back at your own cost
2. send you your ordered item at no extra cost to you.

i totally understand why waiting time is frustrating, believe me, ive been waiting for my T1 since 4th Dec. But you didnt pay for shipping, so we cant really complain. :D

Ok maybe it's cheap like you said, but for others, a $10 bent out of shape drop in, is still a $10 down the drain. Maybe for a daddy's little rich boy like you, a $10 is worth nothing, but for some of us money is quite hard to earn. And BTW, looking for a cheap bargain is not a crime. So please for goodness sake, quite the BS talk about getting what we deserve for shopping cheap.

Deal extreme will send you another one at NO COST TO YOU
the way i see it, you get a new Lamp Module, with a free card reader...
plus a bit of waiting time. And im really fine with you being sick of me.
as for opening a new thread, i feel its justified to defend anyone who i feel is being mis-treated..
and im not saying anyone deserves bad service for shopping cheap, i am saying that DX is probably doing thier best, bear in mind that its holiday season, there are probably millions of orderes worldwide everyday, and like i said, they cannot control shipping. think about it, if they worked slower to triple check the right sku's for each order, they would never finish getting out all the orders daily, and then we would complain that they take ages to ship. Remember, deal extreme employs real people too, and they have many orders to fill in one day, not just one.
my sympathy for them stems from actually working in a company that has to fill orders everyday.
And i really do not appreciate personal attacks.
I am sick of the complaining,not the cpf member involved thats why im posting this so that perhaps those making the attacks can better understand why deal works the way it does.And seriously, do you think my "daddy" as you say, would pay for $300 odd worth of lights and flashlight parts? its coming out of MY OWN money.

This is all my own opinion, feel free to challenge, but please afford the respect to everyone,the repect that i afford to you.


Ps: this post is not in anyway written in any kind of angry undertone..:)
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Wow I am truly amazed by your ignorance. (I don't know if it's idiocracy or ignorance in your part.)

You are being unfair to the two posters at the LED sub forum. First of all their jeers are not aimed at the slow shipping of DX, but because of wrong item sent, and a destroyed product due to poor packaging of DX. The slow shipping is the minor issue here, you are missing the major issues of the two said OPs. As I can see the only wrong thing they did is post their jeers at the wrong forum. But everything they gripe about is totally legit.
Wow I am truly amazed by your ignorance. (I don't know if it's idiocracy or ignorance in your part.)

You are being unfair to the two posters at the LED sub forum. First of all their jeers are not aimed at the slow shipping of DX, but because of wrong item sent, and a destroyed product due to poor packaging of DX. The slow shipping is the minor issue here, you are missing the major issues of the two said OPs. As I can see the only wrong thing they did is post their jeers at the wrong forum. But everything they gripe about is totally legit.

Poor packaging, its already been answerd why that should not be a dx problem.Maybe deal should send a lamp module in a HAIII aircraft grade crush proof alluminium box? i should also state that we never pay for insurance, and deal still covers us..and it not even thier fault that people at the post office are being screwy with the packages

and shipping, the complaint is that they send the wrong item, and then the shipping for the replacement takes forever.....

and i have already come up with a theory as to why an order might be filled wrong.its okay, maybe you posted before my edit..

and lastly, as i have always thought, if whoever doesnt want to order from dx anymore, it just leaves more stock for budget concious people (like me) to buy.

I don't know why we've had a run of "jeers" being placed in our flashlight discussion forums lately. We've a special Jeers Forum at the Marketplace.

Now, we've got a thread jeering those that have jeered. Contained within that thread are jeers to the one jeering those that are jeering.

C'mon guys! Let's knock it off. Thread closed.
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