Has anybody modded a Pelican LaserPro?


Apr 3, 2005
Kansas City
I have a couple of LaserPro 4Ds I picked up locally for $5 apiece and I would like to mod them to be throw monsters. I have no experience modding a flashlight, but I am competent and can solder. I was thinking of maybe putting multiple Crees in one for a flood and 1 Cree with a lens in the other for throw. Any ideas or words of experience would be appreciated.
I got them at this strange little store in the "bad" part of town. I was passing through and stopped in for a soda. It was kind've like a pharmacy or convenience store where in that they had a couple aisles of random stuff, and as I was browsing a bit I saw two of these Laserpros NIB for $5 including batteries. At that price I snagged both of them. I figured I'd decide what to do with them later.
Well if nobody has modded it, are there any words of wisdom in the event I try and do it myself?
Hi Snow

As Ra explained in a past thread some time back, for max throw you need: highest surface brightness (of lightsource, eg: filament), good reflective surface(smooth reflector), and lots of it (bigger is better).. I dont know much about LEDs, so cant help there. I found some 4D laserpros for $40 australian on sale, which normally they are around 100. Are they any good as is? Is the focus reasonable, I believe they have two filaments so they cant both be in focus (is this correct)?

Also do yours come with the smooth reflector or diffuse (orange peel type) one?

ps good find:)
Mine both have a smooth reflector. They are decent lights as is, I just see too many impressive LED beamshots on here for me to be satisfied with them. The beam is very yellow and out of focus. The nice part is the dual filaments. Usually it means that with one I can have more throw, then flick the switch and it's a bit more floody.

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