Has anyone run their lights for extended periods?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 27, 2006
Sorry, should have been more specific. I bought them when they first came out, they claimed 1200 hours on low with a lithium cell. On the website they claim one ran on low for 8760 hours (1year) with a lithium cell. I think I'm gonna try it out.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2003
Sycamore, Illinois
I have a new Pak-Lite Super with the glow top. What a great little light. It serves night stand duty for me. The low setting is perfect for midnight trips to the bathroom. It makes a good travel and camping light as well.
I was surprised how bright the high setting is with the "super" version of the Pak-Lite compared to the standard version. A winner in my book.


Apr 29, 2006
Central Florida, USA
I think I've bought over a dozen basics now...and one original came into my collection because lighthound ran out of basics [cheers :grin2:]

I find the normals "low mode" particularly useful for bathroom duty:naughty::rolleyes:
I've sold most of my basics, of ~20 I think I only kept 2
A friend of mine is a boy scout coordinator and he claims he has never seen something like this before;). Needless to say the kids loved it


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 11, 2003
West Midlands, U.K.
I run regular burn-in tests for many of my lights. The Longest Running time is from resistored LED lights, namely Mag 3D with Tektite LPR-3 or Micra-light, 1 5 mm LED light running on a 3.6 V lithium thyonil-chloride AA Cell. They have a tail of light lasting for weeks. Same with SF L1, that on low is running the LED direct drive (10 Ohm resistor) from the CR123, for a minimun of 50 Hrs runtime.
The best lantern time is from a 6 Volt (4 F alkaline cells) with a Tektite LPR-113 (LuxI SE with built-in 8.2 Ohm resistor), hitting two months of runtime (to 10%).
One tea-candle LED light in now on its third month on 2 Alkaline AA cells.

WHat is problematic are 5 watters (third KL4 died) and incandescent running on Li-Ions. I'm testing a "90 lumen" LF bulb in the E2e, and at the 10 hrs. mark it developed some black inside the bulb envelope.

I also have some underpowered incandescent that have hit the 1000 hrs bulb life. A P60 on a single Li-ion lives forever. A G4 12V 10W bulb powered at 8.5 V is above 8.000 hrs mark.
I have had 5 mm LED lights where the LED lived for few hours; on the other hand I have found the longevity of LuxI and LuxIII (driven slightly under specs) to be overwhelming.
An historical note: My longer runtime light from the late '70 was a LED Flasher made with a RED LED and a LM3909. On a single D Cell, it lasted three years.




Oct 29, 2007
From what I understand (and I could be wrong), Deree is a company that pushes their lights to higher limits than anyone else I'm aware of.
I have a CL1H with 3SD module that runs at 1.2amps, .2amps (16%) more than most other manufactures who set their high limit at 1.0amp.
So I expected it to run hot from the get-go.

Just yesterday evening, I had to occasion to use it on it's max bright setting and it was on constantly for about 40 minutes.
It got it's hottest after about 20 minutes and was very warm, but not uncomfortable to hold at all.
I found it interesting that the entire light became evenly warm and not just the head area which leads me to believe that the heatsinking of the brass pill is very good to begin with, but then the heat is efficiently transferred throughout the rest of the light which helps to dissipate the heat even better.

My .02 lumen thoughts...