I started a thread several months ago about using these cells. They have enormous voltage sag if you pull more than 100mA or so from them.
For instance, a 14505 cell will power the moon-mode of my Quark AA for months (I'd have to find my original thread for the actual runtime calculations) of constant drain, but won't power any mode higher than that.
I have a dozen or so of these cells stashed away that I can use in my Quark, LF5XT, and probably my H501w (haven't tested the Zebralight with them yet, but I expect it to work). If things ever get bad enough that we're without power for months at a time, those cells will provide me a decade's worth of dim light. I've seriously considered putting one in my Quark so that the higher modes aren't available when my 2-year-old wants to play with daddy's flashlight.