Has anyone tried 3v lithiuum primary 14505 cells?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 22, 2006
Seems like these are hard to find, typically about $5 a cell. but they have incredible energy claims of 2000mah at 3v, which is twice as much voltage at the same amperage as a Eneloop and 1.5x the Wh of a lithium 1.5v alkaline. I was wondering if anyone had tried these in for instance, a quark aa and reported... it would be cool to see if these incredible claims of 2000mah hold up.
You might try searching "14505" in the "Google CPF Only" search box, at the top of the page.

These cells have a different chemical composition, and are designed for low drain applications only and as such, have limited use in flashlights/torches.

you can get 14500 3v lithium primaries by yanking apart some of the CRV3 type camera battery packs I believe. Duracells usually have a pair of them in parallel while energizers are usually L91 1.7v ones. I am not sure of the capacity but bet it is around 1500mah.
you can get 14500 3v lithium primaries by yanking apart some of the CRV3 type camera battery packs I believe. Duracells usually have a pair of them in parallel while energizers are usually L91 1.7v ones. I am not sure of the capacity but bet it is around 1500mah.

All of the 14505 cells I've encountered are a different chemistry than the 3 Volt, or 1.7 Volt cells used in camera battery packs. They are usually 3 Volt lithium manganese dioxide, or 3.6 volt lithium thionyl chloride cells. Neither chemistry is able to supply more than 100mA of constant current in this size cell. Their "burst rate" is only 200mA. This limits their use to low power lights only, and why I said previously, that there use is limited.

There may be other chemistry cells with the 14505 designation, but I've never seen any. That doesn't mean they don't exist though. :)

I started a thread several months ago about using these cells. They have enormous voltage sag if you pull more than 100mA or so from them.

For instance, a 14505 cell will power the moon-mode of my Quark AA for months (I'd have to find my original thread for the actual runtime calculations) of constant drain, but won't power any mode higher than that.

I have a dozen or so of these cells stashed away that I can use in my Quark, LF5XT, and probably my H501w (haven't tested the Zebralight with them yet, but I expect it to work). If things ever get bad enough that we're without power for months at a time, those cells will provide me a decade's worth of dim light. I've seriously considered putting one in my Quark so that the higher modes aren't available when my 2-year-old wants to play with daddy's flashlight.


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