has anyone tried a cree or a seoul in one of those million CP lights?


Feb 18, 2007
hey guys, I have two of those million candle power flashlights thats basically an auto light inside of a flashlight with a sealed acide batteries. What I would like to do is mod it so that it can take one a cree led or a seoul led and actually last longer than like 20 minutes. Has anyone done this and any suggestions?
I think Milkyspit has done some MULTI led setups with those big spotlight deals.

I think Milkyspit has done some MULTI led setups with those big spotlight deals.
Seems like using those tiny reflectors though would defeat the entire purpose of maximum throw out of those lights. I'm thinking something like a Single seoul emitter driven hard, with some sort of added heatsinking, would be the best for throw. You wouldn't get the output of the halogen, but you'd only be drawing ~4 watts instead of 50+
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you can drive a single seoul emitter to the max with a regular handheld.....running 1A....

no reason for it to be housed in a big spotlight.
aml said:
you can drive a single seoul emitter to the max with a regular handheld.....running 1A....

no reason for it to be housed in a big spotlight.

I think the reason he wants to do it in a big spotlight is for the huge deep reflector that would give maximum throw. He might also be able to put a really huge heat sink in the light too.
Alin10123 said:
I think the reason he wants to do it in a big spotlight is for the huge deep reflector that would give maximum throw. He might also be able to put a really huge heat sink in the light too.

Yes and not only that ... it would last for a while too not the 20 something minutes maximum the original 60w or 100w bulb gets.
I too am curious about those big fat parabolic reflectors....

I wonder if there's an old spotlight like that around here somewhere. I'm sure there's some that have busted batteries.... HMM! :D
I personally think it's a great idea.

here's an example of a light already in production that uses a HUGE reflector for a single LED.

It scores really big in the throw department, even though it is one of the LOWEST scoring in the overall output charts. In fact, with that big reflector, it is the farthest throwing single LED light that QuickBeam has tested. With a few mods to bring the brightness up to par (it's only about 1/5th as bright as a single LED CAN be) that thing could be a TON of fun. I would love to run an LED in a THOR sized unit.
I've got an old 1.5M CP spotlight... battery is rat{censored}.

Says the spotlight is Made in USA. Odd!

Ill take a pic.

The hole in the reflector where the bulb is mounted is not quite large enough for any of my flashlights to fit through... but perhaps if I widened it a little bit, the L1D could fit :)

The fenix's head is pretty tightly attached though. Wish I had one of those cheap ultrafire AAA luxeons now :p
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focusing might be hard. i assume the focal point sits pretty high as those bulbs are rather large and stick into these reflectors quite a bit.
thus a CREE might not be optimal as you won't reach much of the reflector area, neither normally nor backwards fired. a SSC with its wider beam profile would be the better choice, i guess.
[qutoe]focusing might be hard. i assume the focal point sits pretty high as those bulbs are rather large and stick into these reflectors quite a bit.
thus a CREE might not be optimal as you won't reach much of the reflector area, neither normally nor backwards fired. a SSC with its wider beam profile would be the better choice, i guess.[/quote]
Maybe elevating a pedestal with two LEDs pointing sideways toward each half of the reflector would be more effective? certainly more of the light from each would hit the reflector rather than going straight out the front, and you could double the amount of lumens by using two emitters. output might look a bit ugly though.
I think that even with the 'normal' reflectors, it's a great idea.

I have one of these that I never use: http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=8825

Three Crees or SSCs each seeing 350 mA from a regulator would about 240 Lumens and should last a LONG time on the battery. Maybe wire something else up in there like 3 Nichia CS LEDs to get you back home in case you do deplete the battery from the SSCs.
I think that it wouldn't work for a Cree because the Cree's angle
of emission is far too narrow for the relector - it would need to be much

The Seoul is more likely to produce a better result, but even then I think
the reflector should still be deeper.
I suppose this is blasphemy but you could 'clip' or sand the front of the cree to defocus it. The actual emitter is sitting at the back of a small lens made out of something like epoxy.

It's risky of course. I did it with a 10mm led with good results -- it enabled me to ditch the super-focused spotlight effect and use a small reflector to get a floody light.

Those puppies are so big, though, that I just took a sturdy pair of shears and chomped the end of the clear lens/shell off. Modifying a cree similarly would take a bit more finesse. But it should be very doable. The trick would be to get (or repolish into) a smooth flattened surface so you don't lose too many lumens to dust and scratches.

I've also been fantasizing about cramming a bunch of crees (3? 7? 14?) into the center of a large parabolic reflector -- and wondering: if I chopped down the stars, attached them in an outward-radiating alignment to a little pineapple-shaped hunk of copper or suchlike for a heatsink, and stuck them into the focal point of the reflector, how ugly would the beam be? What if I then speckled a small portion of the reflector with clear epoxy drops to smooth out the beam artifacts? Could I make a 1-3k lumen cree blaster that wouldn't weigh too much?

Somebody in another thread has a feeler out about group-buying some 5000mah 1/2D cells. Maybe a bunch of those would be the best to run a big cree cluster?
I've sanded many 3mm, 5mm and 10mm LEDs for smoother beams but if the Cree is anything like a Lux III, it wouldn't be quite the same thing.