Has Consumer Reports Ever done a Revue on Flashlights ?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 6, 2008
Southwest Desert
I'm still Very new here,
I happened to get my anual CR buying guide tonight and looked for flashlight info, as i figured, nothing. But, i was wondering if they had ever in the past done a test on these ? Do you think they would or should ??

" I'll Be Back...."
You don't need CR for flashlight reviews/info. You'll find more information here on CPF than CR could ever dream of. If you are wanting reviews, try doing a forum search specifically in the Reviews subforum.

While it's no longer being updated, check out flashlightreviews.com also if you're looking for rated lists of flashlights so to speak.

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You don't need CR for flashlight reviews/info. You'll find more information here on CPF than CR could ever dream of. If you are wanting reviews, try doing a forum search specifically in the Reviews subforum.

While it's no longer being updated, check out flashlightreviews.com also if you're looking for rated lists of flashlights so to speak.


+1. There is better work here than CR could ever do. Not to mention you can get peoples real world usage reviews. CR is overrated...
I agree with IcantC on CR -- I quit them some years ago when they gave a bicycle a "not recommended" rating because the front brake was strong enough to lock the wheel.
Consumer Reports reviews mass market items. Items that sell in the millions.
Will a review of a 2D Energizer vs. a 2AA Garrity vs. a Dorcy spot/area focussing light vs. a 6V (brick) lantern be of much use to CPF members?
These are the lights people join CPF to get away from.

Last time I saw numbers Fenix was shipping lights to 47s the quantities was in lots of 200.
Elektrolumens production this quarter is 45 EDC-P7s plus a few one off customs.
It is possible to get some idea of how many lights Dereelight builds by counting up the :paypal: posts in CPFMP and multiplying by 3 or 4.
These numbers are insufficient for Consumer Reports to do a review on.
I quit them some years ago when they gave a bicycle a "not recommended" rating because the front brake was strong enough to lock the wheel.
I remember this revue & front brake issue, I kinda figured that model bike had a factory ABS system install that CR missed.:crackup:
I can't quit CR ( 20+ yrs) as it was a lifetime membership gift my dad got me many years ago.

:oops:After posting my question, I pondered what the content of the possible reply's might be. And sure enough, exactly as figured ( after the ponderment ). I know the info here & linked from here is so intensive it could never compare to anything CR has tried to report on. But still was curious to " hear " it from the expert flashlight connoisseur's here.

"Available Light" - RUSH ( `Presto` album 1989 )

Good Day ! ...... DJ
I think most of the people here are advanced enough in the hobby that any write-up Consumer Reports would do on flashlights would not be worth reading for them.
I wouldn't even line a bird cage with a Consumer Reports out of respect for the bird. A beloved pet surely deserves something better to crap on. I had a 1997 Dodge Dakota, which was the first year of the new design (big mistake buying a new model). CR magazine heralded that truck as the greatest thing since sliced bread. It turned out to be the greatest lemon of all lemons. With a year left on the lease, I actually paid a guy over a thousand bucks to take it nearly paid off. I just wanted that POS out of my driveway. A few years later, the same magazine listed that truck as a "used truck to avoid". My good friend is an appliance dealer and he thinks CR magazine should only be used in the event that you run out of toilet paper. The appliances that have received top ratings may offer the most bells and whistles for the money, but they are usually the models that my friend claims are more likely to fail prematurely. He's been in the business since the late 70's and says the magazine gets it wrong more often than right.

Having thrown all that in, for someone looking for quality, accurate, in-depth reviews of flashlights, this forum simply rocks! I also enjoy the opportunity to hear from others who share the same interest and appreciation for flashlights, knives, multi-tools, etc... If I haven't ever said it, thanks to everyone for taking the time to share all the great stories, beamshots, and humor.