I wouldn't even line a bird cage with a Consumer Reports out of respect for the bird. A beloved pet surely deserves something better to crap on. I had a 1997 Dodge Dakota, which was the first year of the new design (big mistake buying a new model). CR magazine heralded that truck as the greatest thing since sliced bread. It turned out to be the greatest lemon of all lemons. With a year left on the lease, I actually paid a guy over a thousand bucks to take it nearly paid off. I just wanted that POS out of my driveway. A few years later, the same magazine listed that truck as a "used truck to avoid". My good friend is an appliance dealer and he thinks CR magazine should only be used in the event that you run out of toilet paper. The appliances that have received top ratings may offer the most bells and whistles for the money, but they are usually the models that my friend claims are more likely to fail prematurely. He's been in the business since the late 70's and says the magazine gets it wrong more often than right.
Having thrown all that in, for someone looking for quality, accurate, in-depth reviews of flashlights, this forum simply rocks! I also enjoy the opportunity to hear from others who share the same interest and appreciation for flashlights, knives, multi-tools, etc... If I haven't ever said it, thanks to everyone for taking the time to share all the great stories, beamshots, and humor.