Haunted Ra Clicky Tail Switch


Sep 23, 2007
About a month ago I opened the drawer where I keep my current user lights and found my Ra Clicky on. As you can imagine, I was surprised. The light wouldn't turn off with the tail switch so I unscrewed the head to turn off the light. The Clicky hasn't been in my favorite light rotation and being busy I forgot about it until a couple of days ago. I took the light on our nightly dog walk and rabbit count and it seemed to function just fine. Instead of putting it back in the drawer I left it on my dresser so I'd notice it quicker if it turned on again. Later that same evening I found the light on again. Once again the tail switch wouldn't turn the light off so I unscrewed the head.

Tomorrow I'll be giving HDS a call to see about a warranty repair. I am assuming that the tail switch is flakey. Anyone else see this failure?

I talked to Henry on Monday. He said some of the early lights had problems with the body section.

HDS sent me a new body and tail cap and I'll mail the old one back to them. Good service.

The new body and tailcap seem to work fine.

his service is so awesome