
Newly Enlightened
Mar 25, 2006
O Fallon, IL
I have been absent from this forum for several years, but I came back because I wanted to buy a flashlight for my Dad like the wonderful, dependable, HDS EDC Ultimate 60 XR #2370, like I have owned for the last three years. I have three Surefires, but hardly ever touch them because of the versatility of my little 2" HDS. I have rechargeables, but I maybe change batteries once every six months or so...and I use this thing every single day!

If I was to buy a light for my Dad, could you all recommend something similar to me? It looks like the old EDC line got sold and I'd rather give my Dad something from the company that gave me this lovely light. Is the Ra Twisty a good "suitable substitute" for the EDC? Thanks for your time and patience for my ignorant questions. Respectfully, Frank

P.S. I just realized this might have been a dumb place to ask this question...feel free to move me..sorry, out of practice on this stuff.
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That twisty HDS light looks good. Have you considered Novatac? It's close to HDS in many ways.
I hear HDS lights are pretty good:D Stick with them they are only going to get better from here.If your not in a big hurry old Henry is going to be bringing out some more lights that i believe will be very similarly to his old line only better "If thats possible".Before you go the novatac route do some research and make sure that it's the light for you :twothumbs
Thermalguy, you have the most HDS/Novatac I've seen. :twothumbs

Whorton, the HDS Ra Twisty is recommended by many HDS owner. However, I personally am not a big fan of twisties lights in general. I think there's a one month waiting period (or longer) for the Ra Twisty. I have the Novatac 120P and I think it's a very nice light. Max output of 120 lumens, minimum output of .08 lumens, 4 programmable modes (including sos and strobe). I've programmed mine to the following:

Primary: 60 lumens
Secondary: 10 lumens
Maximum: 120 lumens
Minimum: 0.17 lumens

Good luck.

The Ra Twisty is built to the same standards as the old EDC Ultimate/Basic, with many improvement along the way. For instance, the new design allows the use of a coated ultra-clear glass lens for maximum efficiency and scratch resistance with armoring that keeps the lens safe during severe abuse. We have yet to break a lens in the new design. The old design broke lenses on a fairly regular basis.

The new design dramatically improves battery protection - both physically and electrically. With the new design we were able to use the same battery through half an hour of severe abuse. The old design required changing the battery after only one or two severe impacts. The new design does a much better job at protecting rechargeable Li-ion batteries from over-discharge.

The list of improvements goes on.

The real question is about your preference in user interfaces. The Ra Twisty is a three level twisty interface - very simple but normally assumed to be two-handed operation. But not everyone likes using a twisty interface. Your EDC Ultimate employs a fairly sophisticated single button clicky interface. I personally prefer a clicky interface.

If you are in a hurry to purchase, the options are a bit limited. However, if you can wait a bit, there will be an announcement I think you will be interested in that will expand your options. Can you wait another two weeks to see the future? Once you have seen the announcement, you will have a better idea of what you want to do.

Buy a custom HDS that has been updated with a Seoul P4, if you are lucky enough to find one. This is the place to look for one.
Hehe - my Dad went into open heart surgery today -- quadruple bypass in Rapid City...no hurry at all. I like the clicky interface of my EDC. I think I will wait two weeks then get in line with the rest of the bums. :) Thanks for the "heads up" sir. God, I forgot how friendly these forums were to intellectually-challenged lads like myself.
That's 2 weeks just for the announcement - add 4-6 months onto that until the torch materialises in your letter box :whistle:

In the mean time, I'd order a Ra twisty and wait just a month for the greatest twist CR123 light ever invented*

*Disclaimer - my opinion only
That's 2 weeks just for the announcement - add 4-6 months onto that until the torch materialises in your letter box :whistle:

In the mean time, I'd order a Ra twisty and wait just a month for the greatest twist CR123 light ever invented*

*Disclaimer - my opinion only
I think HDS lights are great, and I'm not trying to be critical, but I would not count on an HDS release date for a time sensitive purchase like a birthday present. If you want give your father an HDS, you might consider giving him yours and ordering the new one for yourself. If the new one comes in time, you could give him that one instead.
However, if you can wait a bit, there will be an announcement I think you will be interested in that will expand your options. Can you wait another two weeks to see the future? Once you have seen the announcement, you will have a better idea of what you want to do.


Uh oh! I see another hit to the wallet coming!!!!:huh:
Wow if you read between the lines it looks like Henry is coming out with a new light:D

If you are in a hurry to purchase, the options are a bit limited. However, if you can wait a bit, there will be an announcement I think you will be interested in that will expand your options. Can you wait another two weeks to see the future? Once you have seen the announcement, you will have a better idea of what you want to do.

If you like your current HDS EDC you might as well just get another one in the BST here. If you're craving an HDS EDC there's few lights that can hit the spot.

That said the Ra Twisty takes the old HDS EDC's ruggedness and reliability to a new level but with a new UI you may or may not like.

The Novatac takes the HDS EDC; improved the UI then spit on it's reliability and ruggedness because some cutbacks had to be made for mass production.

If you can't wait and can't find an old EDC in the BST then the Ra is what I would recommend.
I thought the Novatacs were really reliable. :thinking: I never had an HDS, so I can't compare the two companies. Are there any known issues with the Novatac?

If you like your current HDS EDC you might as well just get another one in the BST here. If you're craving an HDS EDC there's few lights that can hit the spot.

That said the Ra Twisty takes the old HDS EDC's ruggedness and reliability to a new level but with a new UI you may or may not like.

The Novatac takes the HDS EDC; improved the UI then spit on it's reliability and ruggedness because some cutbacks had to be made for mass production.

If you can't wait and can't find an old EDC in the BST then the Ra is what I would recommend.
I thought the Novatacs were really reliable. :thinking: I never had an HDS, so I can't compare the two companies. Are there any known issues with the Novatac?

The excessive use of retaining rings that can come loose is where it loses out against the old HDS. Adding a SS or Ti bezel ring to the old HDS will make the light more durable than the current Novatacs.
I got my PEU stainless steel bezel (the original one does look a tad flimsy). I also upgraded the polycarbonate lens to sapphire crystal, and recently picked up a Ti pocketclip from CPFM :wave:
I would buy another HDS Ultimate light. I own a 120 P Novatac but it's WAY to easy to inadvertantly get into the wrong settings. It doesn't always fire up when I hit the switch.:shakehead I probably will not ever carry it again once that new and improved HDS becomes available!!!!!

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