Newly Enlightened
I have been absent from this forum for several years, but I came back because I wanted to buy a flashlight for my Dad like the wonderful, dependable, HDS EDC Ultimate 60 XR #2370, like I have owned for the last three years. I have three Surefires, but hardly ever touch them because of the versatility of my little 2" HDS. I have rechargeables, but I maybe change batteries once every six months or so...and I use this thing every single day!
If I was to buy a light for my Dad, could you all recommend something similar to me? It looks like the old EDC line got sold and I'd rather give my Dad something from the company that gave me this lovely light. Is the Ra Twisty a good "suitable substitute" for the EDC? Thanks for your time and patience for my ignorant questions. Respectfully, Frank
P.S. I just realized this might have been a dumb place to ask this question...feel free to move me..sorry, out of practice on this stuff.
If I was to buy a light for my Dad, could you all recommend something similar to me? It looks like the old EDC line got sold and I'd rather give my Dad something from the company that gave me this lovely light. Is the Ra Twisty a good "suitable substitute" for the EDC? Thanks for your time and patience for my ignorant questions. Respectfully, Frank
P.S. I just realized this might have been a dumb place to ask this question...feel free to move me..sorry, out of practice on this stuff.
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