HDS Natural HA

Would you buy an HDS in natural HA?

  • Heckin' yeah!

    Votes: 45 66.2%
  • Yes, but only if the colors match

    Votes: 15 22.1%
  • No. Paint it Black!

    Votes: 8 11.8%

  • Total voters


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

Need to have a waiver sign off on the forum before the run is done. If people don't agree to mismatched parts they can't take part in it


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 4, 2017
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

How does Zebralight manage to get them to match? They're not consistent between lights but on the same light I've never had a mismatched tailcap


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 27, 2017
Dirty Dirty South
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

How does Zebralight manage to get them to match? They're not consistent between lights but on the same light I've never had a mismatched tailcap

Mass production? Thousands of parts come out of the anodizing process. Someone on the assembly line collects the necessary matching parts to make a complete flashlight? Just guessing. The HDS run will be smaller by orders of magnitude. Fewer available parts equal a higher likelihood of mismatched colors. Surefire apparently did not care. Back in the day, we just accepted our SF lights as they were. Today's collective voice that cries out for mismatched parts is no doubt driven by Surefire nostalgia.

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

I'd agree with that. Seeing mismatch anno reminds me of my first high end light. An E2E.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 17, 2009
In the middle of Europe
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

I understand the color mismatching problem very good. And yes that may not look cool. I am one of the persons having a large bunch of Surefires. I do not have any problems with it.

Maybe one solution would be if it is clearly stated in the item description (in bold letters and red color)! Than everyone should understand it. I am pretty sure most of the people here would not have a problem with not matching colors. At least I would not have a problem with it. If I would have a problem with it I would not place an order.

One problem in our world is unfortunately there is always a group of people that would always complain, and would always see the "bad things". The good thing is, at least I have this feeling, that most of the people writing in this HDS section are none of this always complaining people.

I would be pleased if in the future there would be HA HDS lights (even with non matching colors). Sometimes I have the feeling black lights are boring. If I have this feeling I look at my bass, bronze and titanium rotary. Than I feel better :)

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

"One problem in our world is unfortunately there is always a group of people that would always complain, and would always see the "bad things". The good thing is, at least I have this feeling, that most of the people writing in this HDS section are none of this always complaining people"

You hit the nail on the head! I love HDS lights always have but the consumer of these ligjts have changed.they have turned into pieces of jewelry for most or a status symbol.That says a lot and is a complement to Henry and HOGO. It really does but it makes it hard for them to come out with new and different things for fear that those who just want one to collect or to shelf "and if your that sort there is nothing wrong with it" will find the smallest irrelevant thing and complain. Gone are runtime test and in with tint.It just makes it hard for those of us that have been here basically from the beginning and want things that others will not except. I mean to offend no one and if you buy and like HDS lights then I respect you and think you know a good light when you see one. But I think we are losing or forgetting what these lights were made for.Well anyway i completely understand that if Henry and hogo are going to get persecuted on something why it is that they would not choose to do so but many others that have owned and used them for over a decade kinda get the short end of the stick.


Aug 1, 2012
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

Well, when HDS started at $99, it was less relevant to complain about details or mismatch ano than at $350+. They turned into "jewelry" for some because the price is much higher than what it was (high end rotary was $199 like 6 years ago).

That stated, a bold warning with a consentement to be given (don't know if can be done in the US) for things like natural ano possibly being mismatched, or like in the past "blemished" cerakote is to me the way to go to avoid future nightmares with picky customers.

Now as the light being a tool, agreed, but it's like my german ratchet wrenches, there is a (psychological) limit to what you can charge vs the perceived value (what you can see before you use it). My wrenches have a so so finish, but were priced like Taiwan made wrenches, which have a much better finish. Will the Taiwan made be as resistant ? In the past for me they weren't. So the German wrench have a rougher finish, and I don't care since they are tools meant to be abused, and for a long time with a lifetime warranty. Had I paid much more for the German vs Taiwan made, story could have been different.
Same could go for HDS, if you pardon the analogy and the OT ;)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

So, I moved all the natural HA discussion into this thread.
The Spring Cleaner thread was supposed to be about finding some emitters we didn't realize we still had.
I know we often like to compare prices when HDS first sold lights, to various times in the past, all the way up to now. It's normal, and it's reasonable.
What we often don't talk about is all the changes that have happened since then with the light. Henry is to blame for this. I put the full measure of blame squarely on that engineers shoulders. Unless it was something huge, he never mentioned it.
The reality is, if the first HDS light married and had children with the current light, those kids wouldn't have 6 fingers on each hand and Dueling Banjo's wouldn't be played at the wedding. The only thing that is close to being the same is the shape. That said...

It goes to Henry being a perfectionist. An OCD, hard to work with, damned perfectionist who can't stop fiddle fxxxing around constantly trying to make the light better. I've screamed for a headlamp for years... but I can't get him to stop "tweaking" (not in the methamphetamine way) with the light.

This also brings us around to natural HA, HE won't accept mismatched parts at this point. He just won't. I know if the test run turns out mismatched, he would rather toss the parts than make lights and sell them... a point in which an argument (more a friendly discussion) will ensue between him and I.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2004
In the Sticks
You can't blame him really after all his and your names are on these lights. I too wouldn't "mind" mismatched ano but my ocd says it would be a battle in my brain. Uniformity is better but special run why not. Still it is what it is and he's the boss. I appreciate everything you both have done.
By the way how much difference is the durability between NHA and the current HA III?


May 31, 2017
Same. Black just has black dye in the pores then sealed vs. no black dye and sealed. No difference at all in durability.

Hmmmm. I've always thought the durability of natural ha was higher. Maybe it's the fact that the lighter grey/green color hides the underlying aluminum scuff marks better than black?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 7, 2012
Bottom Of Pikes Peak
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

just market/label them as mismatched natural HA (rather than natural HA) HDS lights...problem solved....and i'm in. (keeping fingers crossed that it turns out well enough that the select few will have the chance to get one

thermal guy

Jan 28, 2007
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

Or. Wait for it sell natural HA all miss matched and then we can start a new thread where you post a picture of your light and we can all trade parts off our lights until we all have matching lights. Kinda like trading cards. Now THATS an idea.


Nov 12, 2010
CONUS, top left
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

Or. Wait for it sell natural HA all miss matched and then we can start a new thread where you post a picture of your light and we can all trade parts off our lights until we all have matching lights. Kinda like trading cards. Now THATS an idea.

... just like the old days, on CPFMP ... :ironic:

Random Dan

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 30, 2012
Re: HDS Spring Cleaning

Or. Wait for it sell natural HA all miss matched and then we can start a new thread where you post a picture of your light and we can all trade parts off our lights until we all have matching lights. Kinda like trading cards. Now THATS an idea.
Or maybe they will all ship with matching ano and people will need to trade around to get the classic Surefire mismatch look?

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