HDS Systems EDC #22

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
wacbzz is absolutely correct.

Expectations. Everyone has different expectations and thoughts on what should be.
In regards to HDS, the only actual expectations that matter... are Henry's. He does the QC.
Now, if someone is looking for a light to wrap in an expensive diaper and carefully carry in their pocket and pull out the bauble to impress friends with the jewelry like constructions... HDS is a non starter. Even in the limited metal runs. Run away from HDS.
If one wants to impress others with shear raw output for 5 to 10 seconds... again, steer clear from HDS.
If you want to throw it in the back of a pickup truck with a load of bricks then drive like a maniac (Note: Anyone driving faster than yourself is a maniac and anyone driving slower than yourself is an idiot.) then dig it out from under the pile of bricks and have it still work, then HDS is perhaps the light you want. That is pretty much what Henry cares about in a nutshell. The thing has to work... no matter what. This comes from his caving, which is something he continues to do.

Now, I can't publish Henry's and my conversations publicly. I would be banned from the internet... and may have flash-bangs go off in my living room in the middle of night. But a few things I will share. When someone complains about a slightly off-center emitter (this does not effect the beam), we would usually joke by saying "look at the emitter... turn the tail to the high position... now turn the light on. Is the emitter still off center?" Kind of the same thing with dust on the reflectors, "cracks" on the reflector, which are actually the machining marks on the reflector that were supposed to come through the vapor deposition, and a whole host of other "issues" that HDS never considered issues, and in some cases, were supposed to be there.

The basic thing to remember is that the light was designed specifically to fill a need. The need was not that Henry was short on cash and thought he would design a light to make a billion dollars and retire (which is a good thing as he has failed miserably if that was his goal). It wasn't even the desire to start a business. It was all about caving and Henry's love of going into a pre-made grave.

So basically, Henry's expectations of what a perfect light is, probably doesn't mesh with a lot of flashaholics. There are no white walls in caves. You don't use the light 2 inches from what you are trying to see, and it doesn't matter if you can feel the contact fingers running over the circuit board when you adjust the light strapped on the side of your helmet.

Now, all that being said, and while I do agree with Henry's philosophy on this... that the number one thing with an HDS must be reliability... I'm sort of a... lobbyist. Not in slimy and corrupt DC way, but in that I take what I read (not all) and try to get Henry to... ack... make some changes that don't necessarily correspond to the HDS core philosophy... Like a centered emitters, moving back to OP reflectors (if nothing else, it eats up less time explaining in emails that the "cracked" reflector is supposed to be like that), and something like the 5th generation of rotary tail (while the initial complaints of "grittiness" where when Henry redesigned it to make it more... robust. Speaking of which, I should state we are holding the 18650 Rotary tubes for about 4 weeks... because Henry want's to use his new and improved circuit board in them that will make them more robust and smoother in operation. Blame me. When he brought it up to me and asked what I thought last Monday, I told him to delay shipping them until those new boards came in. My fault. Not Henry's. You can direct your hate and discontent at me.

So yep, this is what you will find in the HDS corner of the internet. In other pockets of the internet, you will find different thoughts and opinions, and a whole lot of speculation... 99% of it wrong. I know. I don't post in many other forums, but I lurk there.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Ah, I should probably state that I wasn't trying to come off as an Adam Henry above... I do that quite well without trying.

My point is/was that HDS is what it is, and it is up to the consumer to decide if the light is "right" for them or not.
I do try to stop misinformation though wherever possible...
And as always, my opinion is really only worth what you paid for it.


Nov 27, 2012
I have a question. I recently picked up an HDS Twisty. Will the glass lens currently on the HDS website fit the old Twisty? I would try one from another HDS light I have but the Twisty hasn't shown up yet. I figured I would get one on order if it will fit.



Jul 25, 2005
Speaking of which, I should state we are holding the 18650 Rotary tubes for about 4 weeks... because Henry want's to use his new and improved circuit board in them that will make them more robust and smoother in operation. Blame me. When he brought it up to me and asked what I thought last Monday, I told him to delay shipping them until those new boards came in.

Sweet, I will gladly wait 4 more weeks for a more robust light, Henry told me about the delay in a email earlier today. :D


Nov 27, 2012

For what it is worth, I have been in love with HDS lights for about 11 years now. I have owned many different brands of lights that were never just quite right. They may have looked pretty but they didn't have that HDS Rotary UI. And they may have been more affordable but they didn't have that HDS reliability. Team HDS! Team HDS Rotary to be more specific... So please keep doing what you do.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
I first started purchasing flashlights about 15 years ago when I had to walk my dog at night and my Maglite kept blowing light bulbs. I started down the traditional path of Chinese lights - fenix, thrunite, olight, etc.

Then, in 2012 (my CPF join date) I realized I wanted something special, unique, well made. That is when I discovered the HDS lights. Presently, I have five HDS lights and one on the way. In my opinion, no other light comes close to the uniqueness of the HDS proprietary technology, special LED emitters, features, and robust build. Plus, Henry stands behind these lights 100%.

Almost all of the Chinese lights I own are tucked back in a drawer somewhere in my house. I forget where...
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
I have a question. I recently picked up an HDS Twisty. Will the glass lens currently on the HDS website fit the old Twisty? I would try one from another HDS light I have but the Twisty hasn't shown up yet. I figured I would get one on order if it will fit.


I don't know. I can check with Henry on my Monday... Just remind me.

Oh, and I should also state, that in no way was I saying anything bad about Jeff's lights. They are incredible and he is one of the finest machinists I have seen and I love his lights. I have in fact, been in contact with him wanting a Hanko/HDS collaboration. In all likelihood, this won't come to pass. Would have been pretty awesome though.

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
So yep, this is what you will find in the HDS corner of the internet. In other pockets of the internet, you will find different thoughts and opinions, and a whole lot of speculation... 99% of it wrong. I know. I don't post in many other forums, but I lurk there.
This corner of the internet suits me just fine.

TheJ, I'll check the lens issue tomorrow, if I forget remind me.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
My point is/was that HDS is what it is, and it is up to the consumer to decide if the light is "right" for them or not.
I do try to stop misinformation though wherever possible...
Which is great, on both points, and also why I wanted to make sure that the information posted showed as much updated material as possible, and not just reiterations of past problems which have already been dealt with, especially regarding beam quality, which has for at least the past few years been excellent. Always been usable, but at present, it would be really hard to find fault with the newest beam patterns.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2006
Which is great, on both points, and also why I wanted to make sure that the information posted showed as much updated material as possible, and not just reiterations of past problems which have already been dealt with, especially regarding beam quality, which has for at least the past few years been excellent. Always been usable, but at present, it would be really hard to find fault with the newest beam patterns.

It can be tough sometimes to get accurate info... I blame Henry... and options.
I often see people refer to HDS lights... and lump in the Ultimate/Basic/Novatac/Ra etc. The have the same designer... look similar, but that is where the similarity ends. Now here is where I really blame Henry... other than what emitter is in a Rotary, you have no way of telling which light has which updated rotary tail or updated electronics. You can figure out what firmware it has, but there is nothing anywhere stating that on March of 2016 the electronics in the head where changed (that is just an example and I don't know when and all the changes that were made prior to 2018.). The Rotary lights shipping today are vastly different from the originals that shipped in 2010... but you can't tell by looking at them. You can't even tell by serial number (the serial numbers only have one purpose which is to keep track of your light if it comes into HDS for service).
Since hindsight is 20/20, I think it would have been good to have a date code on the circuit board where the emitter code is. Henry knows when he looks inside a light, after all, the lights are his kids, but for the rest of us... it can be tricky to figure out.

Honestly, I don't know if there is a good solution to this. I do know that when the next major change happens, it is going to be very easy to tell... I'm making sure of that... if I'm still alive. Things do move slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly at HDS.

kaichu dento

Apr 5, 2008
...I think it would have been good to have a date code on the circuit board where the emitter code is.

I do know that when the next major change happens, it is going to be very easy to tell... I'm making sure of that...
This sounds good. You're right, it would have been great right from the start, but never too late for you to wrangle some improvements. Still hard to believe you made the special metals run happen so successfully, especially shoehorning the bronze run in at the last second.


Nov 27, 2012
Hi Everyone,

Edit* Moved to Group Buy Section!

I hope it is ok to post this here. If not, let me know.

I was browsing the web the other day and ran across a photo of an HDS with a smooth bezel with no trits. I reached out to "Your Little CNC Shop" to see if Chris would be interested in doing a run of them since he does a great job on the Tritium ready bezels. He said he would do a run if he had enough interest. He would need to run about 30 to make it worth his time. The prices would be roughly the same price as the tritium ready bezels or possibly cheaper. He said he would let me know on price in a day or two. Would any one of you be interested in these? I would be in for 2 or 3. Photo below for reference.

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Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 12, 2015
Post it up in the group buy section. I'm sure several people will be interested. I love the look of it but I sold all of my HDS

peter yetman

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2014
North Norfolk UK
I have a question. I recently picked up an HDS Twisty. Will the glass lens currently on the HDS website fit the old Twisty? I would try one from another HDS light I have but the Twisty hasn't shown up yet. I figured I would get one on order if it will fit.

Yes, the current lens will fit in your Twisty. Whether the thickness is correct, I don't know, but It fts in and screws up tight.
I'm sure Dan will confirm.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2012
Stamford, CT
Anyone know when the new Rotary Fingers were being installed in all lights coming out of HDS?

I know for certain it was after February 2019 but it may have been a year earlier.
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