Headlight similar to PT apex, but start on low first?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 4, 2006
Montreal, Canada
PT apex seems to be a great light for my general use purpose, but the level starts on high which I hate. Is there such a light that's similar to PT apex, i.e. great regulation use 4 aa nimh, flood and spot ability, multi level, but start on low level each time?
Close your eyes when you first turn on your Apex and hit the button twice.

Problem solved.:twothumbs
I have literally felt your pain before. Unfortunately it's hard enough to find a properly regulated 4AA or 2+ CR123 headlamp let alone one that has some actual intelligence put into user interface. :ohgeez:
So I haven't found one yet. 4AA lights that I know of are the Coleman Exponent 1W Headlamp, Modded Petzl lamps (replacing the halogen bulb with an LED assembly with poor heatsinking), and overpriced Brunton headlamps. :sigh: All using antiquated Luxeon and 5mm LEDs of course.
Close your eyes when you first turn on your Apex and hit the button twice.

Problem solved.:twothumbs

Would blind everyone around thou.

I have literally felt your pain before. Unfortunately it's hard enough to find a properly regulated 4AA or 2+ CR123 headlamp let alone one that has some actual intelligence put into user interface. :ohgeez:

Yeah eh? Guess they are all designed by cubicle warriors.

here's a pic of the pcb in the Apex. Anyone know which resistors would need to be swapped on it so the Apex would come on low first.?

Heh, I can't even read a vehicle wiring diagram, decrypt that is way beyond me.

What about a compromise, forget the dual beam, just something with relatively floody beam and different power level. I duno, something like a zebralight H30 with 4aa pack, is there something similar?
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Would blind everyone around thou.

If it were aimed at someone's face, they would probably complain if it started on low too:poke:. I thought the closing your eyes thing was a brilliant reply :p - a no effort solution. How about covering the front of the lamp with your hand and pressing the button twice?

I don't have an Apex, but I like that my (Seoul modded) Eos starts on high. That's the setting that I use most, so it saves me two button pushes compared to if it were reversed:whistle:.
I have the EOS but would like it to start on low for my use-so i just have my finger over the window when i start it with 3 clicks.

You get used to it :)

Don't know where Half-Watt has got to .I'd bet he'd know which lamp to get.
The Mammut TX1 and (I think) the new X-Zoom both start at low and go higher. The TX1 is also pretty unique in that the spot light and floods can be run at the same time.