Heat Shrinking cells?


Nov 9, 2005
I have a number of eneloops and other AA cells that I have managed to screw up the skrinkwrap on by forcing them into various places. (4 abreast adapter prototypes, a few lights I own are really tight for the AAs they are supposed to take)...

Any suggestion on what size heat shrink could be used as a replacement and where to buy it from?

I was planning on removing the remaining shrinkwrap, and using some 0.75" or 0.8" 2:1 heat shrink. Is this the normal method or is there something easier/better/cheaper?

I missed out on a steal of a clearance deal over at partsexpress, they had 4 ft lengths of 0.75" 2:1 heat shrink for like a dollar. All gone now.. bummer.

I figure cut the lengths a little long, then trim off the excess after the shrinking.

Thoughts? Recommendations?
If I'm not mistaken, the common type of heatshrink sold in stores is different from heatshrink used on batteries. The stuff sold in stores is thicker & has a rubbery feel as where the heatshrink for batteries are a lot thinner & feel more plastic like. Also heatshrink on batteries damges very easily when applying too much heat (melt holes).

Batterystation sells heatshrink for batteries.
Yeah, if you find any, let us know, me be needing some too. :wave:
If I'm not mistaken, the common type of heatshrink sold in stores is different from heatshrink used on batteries. The stuff sold in stores is thicker & has a rubbery feel as where the heatshrink for batteries are a lot thinner & feel more plastic like. Also heatshrink on batteries damges very easily when applying too much heat (melt holes).

Batterystation sells heatshrink for batteries.

i always wondered why its so different. its often much thinner, which is good for tight spaces.
i get it here, and have to get many sizes, because i never know how well it will shrink and fit exactally, luckily i dont have to buy a 50 foot rolls there :)
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hmmm... looks like I have some options... that stuff at battery space looks odd... it's like, a sheet, i suppose it would have to be melted together end to end around the cell before it could be shrunk down?
I suspect it is a tube pressed flat and then rolled. The description of how to calculate how much you need sounds like it:

To find the size you need, measure the widest cross-section circumference of your pack and then divide it by 2. Use the shrink wrap size at least 5 mm (1/5 inch) wider than your half circumference value.
hmmm... looks like I have some options... that stuff at battery space looks odd... it's like, a sheet, i suppose it would have to be melted together end to end around the cell before it could be shrunk down?

its a tube, but its FOLDED or creased on the sides just to confuse you :eek:
dont let it confuse you, like it did me, it really is a tube, and the creases on the side open up just fine, once heated the creases dissapear.

when i saw it i had the same issue, i was figuring how i would use the "heat sealer" (hot wire for sealing plastic bags) to re assemble it and close the ends. but it cant be hot wired at all, only shrunk.
shrinks less than i wanted, but suposdly still the 50%

for 69c more i wasnt going to do PI calculations :)
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If you have a local hobby shop that is decent, they should carry a variety of the thin plastic heat shrink for batteries.

For AAs, I would try cutting it at exactly 52mm and then shrinking it. I never cut it after shrinking. If it is too long, I would cut it off and start over. I like everything to be nice and neat. But then I am a little OCD.

Wanted to thank everyone here for the ideas and suggestions!

MorePower is sending me some replacement cell covers, big thanks!

CPF has the best people on the net IMO!