I'm about to start my old hobby of electronics design! One of my projects include using 3 watt LEDs, the Luxeon I & III star to be more precise. I understand that I need a heatsink for this LED but my question is which I should use. When I talked to some guys where I bought the LEDs they said I needed a heat sink that costs more then the LED itself! This does not sound reonable to me, so I decided to searh the Internet!
I came across this page that had a few heat sinks for sale CLICK HERE
The prices range from ~€1 to ~€8, but which would you suggest?
The LEDs will be used as extar light and willmost likelybe on about 12 hours a day. The space around the LEDs / heat sink will be movin air, I'm thinking about installing a fan if needed.
If I mount the LEDs on a aluminum plate (rughly 2x2 in), would this be enough of a heatsink?
The guys at the store also talked about the need for using screws with the heat sink, is this needed or would thermal adhesive be enough? There are two adhesivs at the shop, a
Two-component glue and a thermal compound would you recomend any of these?
I'm about to start my old hobby of electronics design! One of my projects include using 3 watt LEDs, the Luxeon I & III star to be more precise. I understand that I need a heatsink for this LED but my question is which I should use. When I talked to some guys where I bought the LEDs they said I needed a heat sink that costs more then the LED itself! This does not sound reonable to me, so I decided to searh the Internet!
I came across this page that had a few heat sinks for sale CLICK HERE
The prices range from ~€1 to ~€8, but which would you suggest?
The LEDs will be used as extar light and willmost likelybe on about 12 hours a day. The space around the LEDs / heat sink will be movin air, I'm thinking about installing a fan if needed.
If I mount the LEDs on a aluminum plate (rughly 2x2 in), would this be enough of a heatsink?
The guys at the store also talked about the need for using screws with the heat sink, is this needed or would thermal adhesive be enough? There are two adhesivs at the shop, a
Two-component glue and a thermal compound would you recomend any of these?