Help a newbie with an deffective Ultrafire C8 from Kaidomain

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Newly Enlightened
Jun 25, 2008
Hello all...
First I would like to advertise everyone that my english sucks. :thumbsdow
So please ignore all weird stuff that will appear written over here. :whistle:

I bought a Ultrafire C8 from KAIDOMAIN an it worked for only 15 seconds.
It´s a 5 modes flashlight with a Q5 emitter and support only one 18650 (2 x 16340 will fry).
Well.. the flashlight do not light anymore... I disassembled it, put it together again, change batteries and nothing.

Kai tell me to send it to him to fix it, but the price to send a international package here in Brazil will be the cost of a new flashlight. No thanks.
I ask him to , please, send me only the pill (it´s threaded and easily removable) but he did not answer after that
It´s a shame... I really liked to buy there, but after that DX will be my first (and only) option again. At least they solve the problems in the best way for the customers.

Now I have a brand new Ultrafire C8 dead.

I would like to know if is possible to find a new pill to replace it (i did not found searching the net) and if not, I would like sugestions from you guys, the experts, to make this C8 a better flashlight.
What to buy, where to buy, etc etc etc !!!

Thank you in advance for suggestions and tips.

Regards, :thumbsup:

Hi, welcome to CPF.

The C8 has overall been a decent little light for me, I am sorry to hear you are having problems. Often times with some of the less expensive lights there are simple connection problems. Try removing the tailcap entirely and jump a piece of wire from the negative side of your battery to the side of the light (on a spot with no annodizing). Make sure you are getting good connection at the head, and at the led itself.

Also be sure and check your battery voltage with a meter if you have one. If you don't it would be a good idea to find one, even if it is a cheap model.

If you find that the battery has sufficient voltage and you have good connections everywhere then you can try and (carefully) connect wires to the battery and very briefly touch them directly to the + and - side of the led directly. If it lights up then you could be looking at a driver problem. There are some drivers you can replace the stock one with but you will need to be able to solder.

Parts availibility is a problem with nearly all the lights from Kaidomain or for that matter with the majority of inexpensive lights.

Have a look around here at the welcome mat, and look at the stickies in the battery forum so you will be aware of the potential dangers of lithium cell batteries, they have a lot of energy stored in them and you really need to be carefull of short circuits.
Now I have a brand new Ultrafire C8 dead.

Hi Erlon,

First of all make sure that pill is death, remove it, use piece if wire to connect it to freshly charged battery,+ to driver sping and - to pill body, if it refuses to work, than probably driver or emitter is defective, If You don't have soldering skills, and don't have anybody in neighborhood to do the job, just put it into envelope and sent to me, I'll fix it for You FOC ;)
You might want to confirm its not the switch. Remove the switch-cap and use a bare piece of wire to direct connect the battery to the tube. It should light up. If it does not then the problem is in the DC-DC/emitter circuit.

Shouldn't be too hard to find a replacement driver. Most of the DX drivers are ~17mm though, hopefully the C8 pill will accept one without modification. If you are handy with a soldering iron and dremel it shouldn't be too hard to get the bad driver out.

An emitter swap would be more difficult, you'll have to unglue it from the pill to get the emitter board out.

Good Luck!! I don't think your English is bad at all:twothumbs
Hello guys, thank you very much for your reply.

Well, I think the problem is not with the batteries.
A have a lot of them and tried some of it.
They work perfectly in my others flashlights.

I´ve tried connect wires from battery to pill and led directly with no success.

I´ll try to do the "switch thing" :D as soon as possible.

And about soldering, I do not any resquicious of skill with it... :sick2:

I´ll update here about the swith ASAP.

Thank you all again for your help and atention to my problem.

just in case, don't forget that the LED will only light up 1 way, as in, the LED will only light up with a certain +,and - connected.
Hello again !

I tried light it up without the switch as told, but nothing.

I think the LED was burned for some reason.

And now, what can I do ?
There´s someone or somewhere in the net that sell the pill for C8 ?

Don´t know what to do.

This light was ordered for a friend of mine (already ordered another one in OTHER store) so I can do anything with this one... any ideas are welcome !!!

Regards !!
Hello again !

I tried light it up without the switch as told, but nothing.

I think the LED was burned for some reason.

And now, what can I do ?
There´s someone or somewhere in the net that sell the pill for C8 ?

Don´t know what to do.

This light was ordered for a friend of mine (already ordered another one in OTHER store) so I can do anything with this one... any ideas are welcome !!!

Regards !!

I don't think you can buy just the pill. You could surf DX for an R2 emitter and driver board of your choice, and try your hand at a DIY repair.
if you contact kai domain, tell them the light is faulty and ask them to send you a shipping envelope, they can pay shipping not you.

be polite, but explain that it is their problem not yours, so they pay not you.

Hello all...
First I would like to advertise everyone that my english sucks. :thumbsdow
So please ignore all weird stuff that will appear written over here. :whistle:

I bought a Ultrafire C8 from KAIDOMAIN an it worked for only 15 seconds.
It´s a 5 modes flashlight with a Q5 emitter and support only one 18650 (2 x 16340 will fry).
Well.. the flashlight do not light anymore... I disassembled it, put it together again, change batteries and nothing.

Kai tell me to send it to him to fix it, but the price to send a international package here in Brazil will be the cost of a new flashlight. No thanks.
I ask him to , please, send me only the pill (it´s threaded and easily removable) but he did not answer after that
It´s a shame... I really liked to buy there, but after that DX will be my first (and only) option again. At least they solve the problems in the best way for the customers.

Now I have a brand new Ultrafire C8 dead.

I would like to know if is possible to find a new pill to replace it (i did not found searching the net) and if not, I would like sugestions from you guys, the experts, to make this C8 a better flashlight.
What to buy, where to buy, etc etc etc !!!

Thank you in advance for suggestions and tips.

Regards, :thumbsup:

Hello again.

kramer5150, could you help me to choose suggesting the right items ?
I would like to maintain the 5 modes with the R2.

And about an MC-E or P7, it´s possible ?

waddup, I´ve already "talk" to Jerry from Kay, but he do not awnser my e-mails anymore.
When I send some mail asking about some product that I´ll buy, the anwser was always fast...
Never expected this attitude from Jerry... :shakehead

Thanks one more time guys !
I wish I had $1 for every thread that has been started here about KD or DX lights that stop working after only a few hours of use.

This thread may continue for the time being.
waddup, I´ve already "talk" to Jerry from Kay, but he do not awnser my e-mails anymore.
When I send some mail asking about some product that I´ll buy, the anwser was always fast...
Never expected this attitude from Jerry... :shakehead

lol. As if I wasn't cynical enough already ;)
Hello again.

kramer5150, could you help me to choose suggesting the right items ?
I would like to maintain the 5 modes with the R2.

And about an MC-E or P7, it´s possible ?

Thanks one more time guys !

Sorry I do not have any detailed information. Your'e going to have to surf the DIY/mods sub-forum. I did buy some DX:07882 DC-DC boards but the light I wanted to use them in is too small, so I can't tell you how good they are.

IMHO you should still try and pursue an RMA. I can't say anything good or bad about Kai since I have no prior experience with them, but I recently went through a DX RMA and it went smoothly, with no complaints. I was out the $2.60 for return S/H, but I don't care.
Thanks Kramer.

I guess I´ll order a bare emitter and ask for a friend of mine do the soldering.

Best Regards and happy holidays !
I ordered a bare emitter that came DOA from them and they asked me to send it back. They offered to pay for any "reasonable shipping charges"

I ordered a battery charger from them and paypal sent the payment twice. I brought this to their attention and Kaidomain canceled my order and refunded one of the charges. It seems like their system is pretty much automatic. If everything goes right then it's great! If one thing fails then it can't be fixed in any kind of logical way or timely manner. I recomend using only your Credit card PP so you can dispute with your CC should something not go well with the KD machine.

So far DX has been a little better. At least their site is better and doesnt crash all the time and have links to error pages.
Thanks Carbine !!!

I´m done form Kai. I´ll never buy a single needle with them anymore.

I have more than 30 orders on DX and the only time they send me a wrong item, I talked to them and they send me the right one for free and I did not have to send the wrong one back.

KD no longer exist for me.
Your will always suck with Kiadomain.
There after sale service and product is below level.
Thr Boss will never reply if you try to contact.
you will never get replacement when you return thr faulty products too.
I am in same situation.
I tried to contact them so many times but thr sales person really don't want that cleint will buy from them again.
They are not ready to provide good prodcuts and after sale service
Welcome to CPF, rjalthar.

You'll have seen my responses to your other posts concerning issues with dealers, and where they more properly belong -they belong in the MP. Your frustration is understandable, but please don't become a single-issue contributor here.
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