help a noob DX drop ins for 6P and G2 (yes i read the sticky)


Newly Enlightened
Feb 25, 2009
i read the P60 drop in sticky and to be honest 90% or so went right over my head.

i have an older model 6p incan and a G2 incan surefire. for my use the throw is fine but i would like a bit more flood. i really need more run time as i don't use them much due to the cost of batteries. i use battery station cr123 that i got the CP discount for 50. these incans are eating my battery stash. i also have a malkoff light so the surefires are now just for use around the house and the chase the dogs in at night.

it seems the DX drop ins are the best bang for the buck but i have no clue on how to rate each drop ins throw/flood/runtime. i plan to stick with 2 cr123 as that's what i have and i really have no idea what the other batteries that you guys use are.

please give your opinion on what drop in i should get.

this is what i have to work with.

am i better off selling what i have and buying a fenix light? if you think i should scrap the surefires what would be a reasonable asking price.

I would think about getting a bored body for the 6P, fit a 18650 in and get an R2 drop-in from solarforce with the correct input voltage. you can also drive it with 2xcr123a/rcr123.
DX is always a bit of lottery which tint you get, etc.
Try the XP-E R2 drop in , good balance of power / throw / flood . $10USD @ DX
or KD .. They actually seem to be 3v - 8.4v input.. and 5 mode .
Welcome to CPF, newguy08. 6 months to your 1st post!

We can't always allow a new thread about every type of P60 drop in - we would end up being swamped. The sticky is there as a guide to those that are available; otherwise you should just try to garner the thoughts of other members based on the number of posts made in support for each item.

Malkoff drop-ins receive the strongest support here on CPF, and I think that is what people will mostly recommend to you. Bearing in mind that unlike incan bulbs they will last you almost forever, spending the extra $$ on a good quality item is probably good value (although in fairness and to add balance, I don't know, as believe it or not I don't have one myself!)

I'll allow this thread to continue for a while, but members should note that if it just becomes a parade of "sku" product placements, it will be closed.
Like what DM51 said, it doesn't really make sense to put a cheap, un-warrantied module in a surefire light. Not only are they more likely to break, but they tend to have pretty bad beam quality, since they don't really put a lot of effort into reflector design. The one light from DX that I have has abysmal beam quality, with a large dark ring and a lopsided large hotspot. If you can afford an M60, then it will probably last much longer.

Keep in mind that the if the incan G2 has an all plastic body, you don't want to use a very high output LED module, since there is not an efficient path for the heat to get to the outside of the body. Lower ouptu modules, such as the Malkoff M60L and M60LL would work, but I don't know if there are many DX dropins that have a lower maximum output (most of them have an overstated "230 lumen" or "250 lumen" mode, along with a few lower modes).

DM51, how do you not have any Malkoff product yet? Shame on you!:poke:
For an LED dropin for general / indoor use, look for a Q5/R2 dropin with a couple modes. If you like memory (it remembers the last used mode and turns back on on that mode), get one with memory, if not, get one without. This will make your CR123 cells go a lot slower, but the way to really save money is to use rechargeables. Wether or not you need to buy a new light for that depends on wether you want to use Li-ion cells or NiMH cells and if you want more options than the surefires with a dropin can provide.

NiMH has the advantage of being available in retail stores, and you can use alkalines in an emergency, but you will need to buy a new light. For NiMH I'd go with AA cells, preferably the precharged kind, because they are more robust and they hold 80% of their charge after a year. A Fenix LD20 would probably suit you fine, but there are countless cheaper and more expensive possibilities.

Li-ion packs more power in the same size than NiMH, but it needs special care (check the link in my signature) and you can't get Li-ion cells / chargers in retail stores. You can use 17670 cells in your current surefire lights without any modifications with most LED dropins. If your Malkoff light is an MD2 you can use 18650 rechargeables in it, which have a lot more power in a slightly bigger package than 17670 cells. If it's an Elzetta, this is not possible, you'll need to use a 17670 in the Elzetta.
why go with a low quality DX dropin? from my experience, they're not all that great... Though, I haven't seen the most recent ones. Last one I heard about was being overdriven highly.. roasted the LED :sick2:

another affordable alternative would be solarforce dropins.. they're a bit more expensive than DX, but are quite a bit brighter from what I've seen. is a good dealer.

next up would be dereelight, then after that would be malkoff in terms of price. :) sells both ;)
To be honest with you, none of the DX modules are very floody... and most are downright ringy with a dark halo around the hot spot. Even with the OP reflectors.

IMHO your best bet is a Malkoff M60LF (150L) or M60LLF(80L). I borrowed bigchelis' M60LLF and ran it with a 17670 cell. I was surprised how bright and useful ~50 Lumens of room flood can be (output is a little less because I used 1 cell, but run-time was superb).

A cheaper alternative would be a multi mode module, and add some scotch tape over the front lens. Others have reported using photography diffusing filter material with great results.

I have DX:14442 and DX:17593, but their PWM on low modes is really annoying... But used with a diffusing material, they will get the job done.
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why go with a low quality DX dropin? from my experience, they're not all that great... Though, I haven't seen the most recent ones. Last one I heard about was being overdriven highly.. roasted the LED :sick2:....

DX:11836 has been re-designed and now its a turd... barely emitting 130L OTF before frying itself with 2A / 7.5V.

I question the reliability of any of the 3.7-18V modules.
It's been said before but the money you will eventually spend on DX lights could buy 1 nice one. I have the 5-mode and 3-mode(advertised, actually just one mode ramp memory), they are very blue-ish, have fantastic throw, mediocre flood, but they look sort-of thrown together with a spring soldered right to the legs on an IC and I wouldn't trust them to EVER be my only source of light.

DX lights got me here, but damn, if I knew then what I know now I'd have a nice Malkoff drop-in instead. Buuuut then my friends and family wouldn't have all my old lights so.....

Alright, Newguy08, if you're in the states PM me your address and I'll send you my "3" mode drop-in if you PROMISE to pass it around to every other newb who starts a new thread about which drop-in to get.
thanks for the help guys. i ended up just selling them off. i'll buy a more modern light but i'll be back to ask more noob questions.:nana:

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