Help find this knife??


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I have had a knife called the Darrel Ralph design Paragee for a very long time and simply really like this knife. I believe it was made by Outdoor Edge or maybe Edge-Tech. It is shown in this link....

I have stripped out a screw on the body and cant find a replacement anywhere and began searching for an entirely new knife to buy. I can not find a dealer who stocks these and believe it is no longer made. Can anyone tell me where to find one or maybe anyone here have one to sale or trade?

This is a simple knife but very smooth and the blade finish is very tough. Seems like I paid 35 dollars for it 10 years ago but cant remember....can any one help me out here and thanks. If I simply can not find one can anyone give me a recommendation for something close in styling and function? I like the bead blasted finish as it held up very well.
A good gunsmith or similar machinist might be able to rethread or drill and tap for a new screw. Hope so.
It is not the threads that are stripped it is the head of the screw. I was able to get the screw out so if I could find a new screw it would be great....I have searched all hardware stores here with no luck.

If nothing else I may be able to dremel a cut into the screw head just to give me enough grip to maybe screw it into the body. I hate to do that as I like to be able to strip the knife for cleaning or replacing washers. I am afraid if I use the old stripped screw I will never be able to remove it.

I never realized this knife was discontinued however searching blade forums showed it to be very popular.
Might try the same gunsmith or machinist to tell you what size screw you have. I'll be surprised if it's not a "standard" size. I doubt a regular hardware store would have it.

Or maybe a real watch repair place.
Titan thanks for the link however I am afraid this site will be like the many others I have found. I have found some to show the knife in stock however when I try to order it shows no longer to be made. I am sending the company in the link an e-mail now just to double check. It seems as if everywhere I check no longer carries this knife even if it does still show up on their page.

I really have enjoyed this little beater of a knife and the stone washed finish on the blade is amazing. It was this feature that caught my attention long ago and I was shocked the knife was so well made also. I do plan to try and find a replacement screw even if it does not match but again I sure would like to find another identical knife just to have a spare.

I am not a member on the many knife forums but I am thinking of joining a few to ask around there. If anyone here is already a member maybe they will be kind enough to ask for me. I figured if anyone did have one to sale they would not sale to a newbie just joining their knife forum anyway.

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