Help finding a good searchlight


Newly Enlightened
Sep 26, 2014
So i just got into flashlights ( and this site)

I have already decided to buy Olight x6, But i want another light aswell, At first i tought of those 85w/65w/35w HID on ebay, But now, Not so much. After watching patriot i really could see how cheap these lights really are. So i would love to get some advice here. I have been looking at the fenix tk75, And something in those lines which throws out good amount of light. LED or HID dont matter. But i would like to stay under 200$ and size etc does not matter at all.

The use will mainly be for search for people and dogs.

Please note i know close to nothing, But i've tried to stick to respected brands when picking flashlight like olight and fenix are two brands i see alot of enthusiasts admire.

And last, If possible i would like to order from ebay,amazon due to the shipping often being skyhigh from US -> norway :(
Nitecore TM15 (with built-in charger) :cool:, 4x18650 batteries, 2450 lumens, orNitecore EAX, 8xAA, 2000 lumens.
The Nitecore TM15 is a good choice as stated above, as I've heard numerous people speak highly of them on here, but I'd also recommend trying out the Fenix TK61.

The TK61 has a 1000 lumen output, so not as much as the TM15, but what I like about it is it has VERY long runtimes. On the highest mode, you're looking at over 4 hours of runtime which makes for a GREAT searchlight if you ask me. It uses 4 18650 batteries, or 8 CR123's. This may seem like a lot of battery for one light, but with that runtime it's worth it IMO. It also has an amazing throw, due to it's incredibly deep reflector, which again would be good for searching for people over long distances. I have to say, for 1000 lumen, I think this is one of the "throwiest" lights Fenix has. The TK61 is on my "to get" list as of now. I've seen it perform, and was overall impressed by it's capabilities. And, since it's made by Fenix, you can generally expect to have good reliability and durability.

(Hopefully this doesn't count as advertising) Also, Amazon sells this light as well.
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What type of environment and terrain?

This far i've only been doing searching in woods. So mainly that.

Thanks for the help people! The more i read about the TK 75, The more interessted i get in that one, Would you guys vouch for that one? Im gonna check out the ones that have been recommended now :)

I love the fact that you could build add more battery to the TK 75. Neat thing :D
This far i've only been doing searching in woods. So mainly that.

Thanks for the help people! The more i read about the TK 75, The more interessted i get in that one, Would you guys vouch for that one? Im gonna check out the ones that have been recommended now :)

I love the fact that you could build add more battery to the TK 75. Neat thing :D

The TK75 is a pretty versatile flashlight, and like you said you can buy extensions and add more batteries. I'm not too familiar with the light but from beamshot photo's it looks like it has a pretty floody beam, which would make an ideal search light.
Thank you all once again :) I think i will go with the TK 75 after reading up on all lights recommended.

Now i just have to find batteries! Ive been looking at the Panasonic NCR18650B protected, But i heard people say protected batteries dont fit in the TK 75???? And that protected batteries are not needed in flashlights with heat-controll??
Any light with low voltage protection,reverse protection, heat protection (ramp down) should be fine with non protected. There is a large amount of good cells out there. You should be fine if you stick with Panasonic. Tk 75 is very good from what iv heard about them. Also olight SR52 is good quality and has built in charging have a look at SR52vn I have one and it makes the perfect search light. !

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Any light with low voltage protection,reverse protection, heat protection (ramp down) should be fine with non protected. There is a large amount of good cells out there. You should be fine if you stick with Panasonic. Tk 75 is very good from what iv heard about them. Also olight SR52 is good quality and has built in charging have a look at SR52vn I have one and it makes the perfect search light. !

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Thanks for making my life hard.... You made me ditch the TK75 for a SR 95 or SR95sUT :D..... Back to finding out which one... :hairpull:
Thanks for making my life hard.... You made me ditch the TK75 for a SR 95 or SR95sUT :D..... Back to finding out which one... :hairpull:

The discussion has been about lumens do far.....but the RANGE of the light when used AS a search light, is typically the FIRST thing you need to choose.

The SR95 series of lights are quite nice, but, the beams are VERY tight and optimized for maximum range with a narrowly focused beam.

IE: A small spot of light off in the distance, vs a broad flood of light, etc.

So, how far away are the things you're trying to see out in those woods you mentioned?

What's the farthest away, say in meters or yards, etc, that you might see something at?

In MOST wooded areas, you CAN'T see very far, because the TREES and branches and leaves, etc, are in the way. 100 meters might be far enough to see as far as you have a line of sight for, for example.

After that, its about WHAT you want to be able to see at whatever range you decided was as far as it might get. So, dogs and people were mentioned...are they hurt/hiding/trespassing...or are you on a walk/hike and just trying to keep track of your buddies?

The distinction is because a person who is hiding/ a small brown dog, will typically require more light to find than a rhine stone encrusted white suited Elvis impersonator, etc. (Never met your buddies, but, its just an example...) :D

As a rule of thumb, light colored targets that are large enough to stand out against the background might be visible with 1 - 5 lux on them.

The light MAKERS use specifications based upon 1/4 of one lux (0.25 lux) though, which is so dim at long ranges that the targets are if a maker CLAIMS "1500 meters of throw as Per ANSI...." its all true, but, not meaningful to you.

You'd take their claim and cut it in HALF to get to 1 lux, a bare minimum.

To get to 4 lux (Between 1-5 lux...) you'd cut their claim in half AGAIN (to 1/4 of the meters claimed in range...).

So a light with a claimed range of 1,500 meters would have a USEFUL range of less than 400 M in most uses.

Of course, the above is for people who are OK being seen/NOT hiding. You might need closer to 15 lux or more to see THEM.....and THAT means cutting the claims even more...down to ~ 150 M!

So, again, think about what's the FARTHEST someone/something COULD be from you with a line of sight TO it...and, how hard they might be TO see at that range....and give a(n) example(s), and we'll look at the specs that it would take to GET that throw with that strength.

I have the TK75 and am using it with Orbitronic 18650 3400 mAh protected button top batteries which are 68.8mm long and fit the battery holder fine. The battery holder can use button tops or flat tops and flat top protected batteries are typically a bit shorter. For searching in woods distances are going to typically be limited so also take a look at the Fenix TK76 which I also have. Not cheap but it's user selectable flood, throw or a combination of both is unique and gives it great versatility. It can also take the battery tube extensions of the TK75 for very long run times. Some consider the TK76 to be ugly but I say it is distinctive looking and in this case it is a matter of function over form. To me the head looks like it was designed by a cubist sculptor. ;)
Thanks for a good and reflected reply TEEJ

I've tought about it! Thats why i ditched the UT, and rather want the standar 95 even tho its tight aswell, But i feel the x6 marauder, serves as a flood and even decent at range. While i have some concerns with the sr95 in some tight woods, Norway also have alot of farmland, Specially in my area. So you can have wood and a big open area then back to woods again.

Took a look at the sr96 but im worried that it's to much flood, But im really not sure. I would atleast want to stick to Olight, I really got a good impression of the quality and the lights in general after reading up on the SR series. :D


I never seen it before, I love it, That have to go to my must buy together with tk75, But i think i will stick to Olight now, I feel it's alot easier for a newbie like me to dont have to think about the batteries and making a terror cell :laughing: