HELP! google is broken


Jun 24, 2009
So randomly today, my google chrome web browser started doing everything in german, the entire internet is in german except my bookmarks. I know 3 languages, but german is not one of them. So no offense to any of our german friends, but how the heck to i get it back to american internet? I tried googling the answer...but thats like turning on a light switch when the powers out...I am currently deployed, so i think our internet provider just picks up cheap bandwidth regardless of the final IP resolution, but there must be a way for me to change it...i hope. Anyway thanks in advance!

Edit: my roomate's computer did the same thing, so i know its not user error
language change walk-through

-click the wrench icon (beside the page icon, most upper right on my screen)
-drop-down 5 sub-sections, to the (2nd from the bottom)
-click top item in 5th subsection, new pop-up appears
-select 3rd (most right) tab
-scroll down 4 options, click the upper of the two buttons in this 4th section ( english translation is 'Web Content, change the default font and language for webpage')
-new pop-up, select 2nd (most right) tab
-bottom drop-down is language, click box and scroll through until you see English (United Kingdom)

*pop-up when you've selected this reads 'please restart chrome'
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well i tried, a new IP didn't help, and the only language available to change to is english which its already set on....oh well i guess its time to learn some german. Thanks much much for the help though, hopefully the internet provider will realize the error and "remove their heads from their 4 points of contact" but odds are against it as they are currently the only viable provider here and therefore don't actually have to care about customers. Oh well i shouldn't whine at least I still have CPF!