Help me brainstorm here....

Mighty Hd

Newly Enlightened
Feb 23, 2008
South East
My Nite Ize Grip-n-Clip arrived today in the mail. While the unit is nice It's not exactly what I was hoping for.

I was brainstorming a bit and would like some input and maybe a few sources on where to locate the materials.

I have a Browning Black Ice flashlight. It's a small 2-cell CR123 unit. In the tailcap it has a metal plug/nipple that allows the attachment of a lanyard. I looked harder and sure enough, it's screwed in with a Philips head screw and sealed with silicone.

I don't see why I can't do this with my Magcharger to add a lanyard to it, but where do I find the lanyard attachment/nipple gimmick?

Any thoughts on this?
This picture

The very last image shows what I'm looking for on the tailcap.
Hello Mighty Hd,

Since you are trying to figure out how to put a lanyard on a MagCharger, I think this thread can stay here, at least for a while...

We do have a size limit on pictures of 800 x 600, so you may want to crop your picture down a little.

That's an interesting idea.

My first thought was sling swivels for rifles/shotguns. On ebay, I only saw one that would even look like it was anything like what you have shown.

But I'd start a search on sling swivels, and if that doesn't pan out, think of anything that might have this type of part on it (rifle, flashlight, camera, etc) and see if there is anyplace to get replacement parts.

Good Luck!

There was a thread a while back where a member put a swivel that looked like that on a Mag. I think the thing was a bicycle part, maybe for holding a spoke or something. I recall it struck me as a good idea for a mod, quite cheap and easy to do.

I'll try to find it, but maybe someone else remembers it and can help out here.
A lanyard for my Mags for me has ended up with a piece of heater hose or
Lighthounds ring. The Idea of a swivel is cool if you make it watertight.
If its just a fixed stud, then the cap can unscrew eventually. The only Maglight I carry is a 4-c using a piece of leather slotted for my belt, or
Niteize's Lite-lok.