help me choose my last flashlight! no im not dieing lol


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
my city and county raised my property taxes to some new crazy amount and i lost my apeal.ill never understand why its so much i dont use any city services i dont even use the road any more. i nver call the police or fire dept. but my taxes are crazy high. well anyways im buying one last light while i can afford it. right now the zebra 21700 powered is in the lead. is this a good choice? most know my fav feature is max lumens per watts. i like it to sip power but still be bright
ZebraLight is a very good choice, I have seen many posts made by knowledgeable people stating that ZL has very high quality drivers and very high quality method of construction.

lol im bad as the band kiss. they has like 10 not evening joking last concerts