I know this question has probably been asked before but I am an l.e.o and am looking for a good light for work.I have a rechargeable spotlight that claims 3.5 million candle power from practical tests it willthrow for about .25 of a mile and spill for about 25-30 feet.I was previously about to buy a fenix l2t and a rechargeable for home use but a financial disaster put paid to that
I am willing to pay £50-00 uk for the torch I was thinking of either the Fenix T1 or a surefire 6P incan.Some folks have suggested that the incan is better for police work due to better colour rendition
All advice /opinions welcome
I know this question has probably been asked before but I am an l.e.o and am looking for a good light for work.I have a rechargeable spotlight that claims 3.5 million candle power from practical tests it willthrow for about .25 of a mile and spill for about 25-30 feet.I was previously about to buy a fenix l2t and a rechargeable for home use but a financial disaster put paid to that
I am willing to pay £50-00 uk for the torch I was thinking of either the Fenix T1 or a surefire 6P incan.Some folks have suggested that the incan is better for police work due to better colour rendition
All advice /opinions welcome