Help me decide on a CREE keychain light.


Newly Enlightened
Nov 12, 2005
I am having trouble deciding which light to get for my keychain. I am thinking of the Fenix LOD-CE or the P1D-CE or P2D-CE. If I get the LOD-CE I thing I would put the lithiums in it. I am aware that I can order the CR123's for the other lights of the internet for about $1.00 which is about what the lithiums are as far as I am aware. I guess what a I am really concerned about is if the CR123 lights would be too large for a keychain light. Also is the P1D-CE and P2D-CE lights a whole lot brighter than the LOD-CE. I have a Streamlight propolymer 4aa luxon that I love. Are these other lights a whole lot briter that that?? I want WOW factor as well.
I want to get one of these for next weekend. Is the Fenix store quick at getting shipments out? I appreciate all of you comments. I am turning into a Flashaholic thanks to this darn website!!!!
I switched from a P1D-CE on my keychaing to a L0-Ti with Seoul and Energizer AAA Lithium, and I'm much happier without the bulk.

So I would suggest a L0D-CE, however it doesn't come in the natural finish, which may look better over time being scratched by keys. Even so, the L0D-CE's finish is excellent and should hold up for a while.

To get a L0-Ti with Seoul, or Natural L0D with Seoul, you will have to find one of my mods floating around... :)

FenixStore ships quickly, but the package may take a week by first class mail. Consider upgrading to Priority if you want it before the weekend.
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Only you can decide how big is "too large for a keychain light". I personally think the smaller the better if you're putting it on a keychain. In that case, the L0D-CE would work nicely for you. Pay for the 2 day priority mail ($5 extra) if you need it quickly. The L0D-CE will have plenty of "wow" factor for the non-flashaholics. The larger CR123 or AA form factor lights will not amaze them any more than the AAA light (in fact the L0D-CE may have additional impact because of its small size).
I say go for the L0D-CE. If you find the output (which is amazing for a AAA light) isn't enough for you, you always have the option of throwing in 10440 LiIon cells and getting about 2.5x more light out of it (for about 12 minutes), or slightly more light (medium is higher than the standard light on Lithium primary -- much higher than NiMH) and the ability to recharge.
I find for a keyring, I find it's the width that is annoying in the pocket rather than the length.

I tried a CR123 based light, but much prefer a AAA based light for my keyring.
Mike V said:
I find for a keyring, I find it's the width that is annoying in the pocket rather than the length.

I tried a CR123 based light, but much prefer a AAA based light for my keyring.
Agreed. This is what made the L0D-CE my new pocket light during the week (suit pants). On the weekends, I still carry a P1DF-CE (and an L4). And spare batteries.
Mike V said:
I find for a keyring, I find it's the width that is annoying in the pocket rather than the length.

I tried a CR123 based light, but much prefer a AAA based light for my keyring.

Same here. AAA based lights are a heck of a lot easier to have on a keyring. I'd go for a LOD CE, a light I really like. I run mine on Sanyo Eneloops as I don't relly need the additional brightness of 10440 cells. But then I always have a bigger lights in my bag when I'm out of the house.

Modamag's Draco :) Thats only if you are willing to spend a decent amount for your keychain light. I bought one, and can't seem to stomach putting on my's too damn nice! If you want the "budget" way out, buy yourself an LOD-CE and some 10440 li-ions.
L0D-CE is a great choice when trying to minimize bulk. I too find CR123 lites to be too thick. Your EDC is the light you'll have on you should you be in an unanticipated situation (emergency, etc.) so having a light that offers both long runtime and reasonably high output options maximizes your flexibility.

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