Help..My Nitecore D10 is broken!!


Newly Enlightened
Nov 25, 2007
tried my d10 yesterday and it was dead...i had put a newly charged li-ion in it a day before...i pulled a brand new duracell AA out of my bag andpopped it in...still dead..when i got home i checked the li-ion battery with a meter and it was way low?...i popped another fully charged battery in the d10 and it worked..sort comes on and offn its own now (came in my office a hour later and it was on and very hot..battery almost dead..must have been what happened yesterday)..if i shake it back and forth it will sometimes come NEVER lights up with a 1.5v battery?? but does with a 3.7 volt battery...if i leave it untwisted a little it seems to not come on on its never did this also smells like something burned up in the head but nothing noticeable to the eye
Sounds like you fried the sucker. :poof:

Did you happen to buy it for a US retailer or ebay? If it was from a us dealer they might help you out.....
I think I got it from 4sevens
But I have to check (I buy
A lot of lights ;) I hope its not dead I love that d10
Did you ever get the cell in backwards? I did this with my D10 running an Eneloop. I left it "on" like this for probably about 4 or 5 seconds before I figured out what had gone wrong. That caused it to let out a small amount of the magic smoke and a probably-similar burning electronics smell. Apparently no reverse-polarity protection. Ever since then I think it has a slightly lower runtime and highest brightness, but it's not a huge difference. It hasn't gotten any worse since then and that was probably 5 months ago and I use it a LOT. Maybe I shorted out a turn on the inductor or something? Anyone know how to get one of these apart? :eek:
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Yikes! I ordered a D10 just today. What batteries are good with this beaut and which batteries should I avoid?
It should take any AA sized batt, but not in reverse aparently.

:popcorn: 1.5 to 3.7v
Correct me if I am wrong.

Yikes! I ordered a D10 just today. What batteries are good with this beaut and which batteries should I avoid?
I have had similar problems with my EX10's after accidentally pushing the piston in and not knowing it then letting it run overnight. Everyone has their favorite lights but the EX just doesn't work for me and EDC. To each his own. Actually I have brand new Golden Dragon Plus and an R2 I wouldn't mind trading for something.