I was just working on my Triple Rebel bike headlamp, sugar-caster style. The cap of the sugar-caster, net removed, holds the acrylic glass lens.
I was looking for a way to seal the glass to the metal, while the glass doesn't sit on a nicely flat surface that would allow the use of an O-ring.
So I thought, why not use Barge Cement. This would fill any gap that there might be.
What happened is that when squeezing the glass into the metal part, barge cement squeezed out of the gap and got onto the front of the acrylic glass. I knew this was likely to happen and should have covered it. Hmm..:thinking:
The glass sticks nicely, but any clue how to remove the unwanted Barge Cement without doing damage to the acrylic glass ?
Or what should I have used instead ? Silicone could work, but is difficult to handle due to the monster-size tubes. And it doesn't stick like Barge Cement. And hard to get off acrylic glass.
Anyone found a better way to seal a lens to a metal body ?
I was looking for a way to seal the glass to the metal, while the glass doesn't sit on a nicely flat surface that would allow the use of an O-ring.
So I thought, why not use Barge Cement. This would fill any gap that there might be.
What happened is that when squeezing the glass into the metal part, barge cement squeezed out of the gap and got onto the front of the acrylic glass. I knew this was likely to happen and should have covered it. Hmm..:thinking:
The glass sticks nicely, but any clue how to remove the unwanted Barge Cement without doing damage to the acrylic glass ?
Or what should I have used instead ? Silicone could work, but is difficult to handle due to the monster-size tubes. And it doesn't stick like Barge Cement. And hard to get off acrylic glass.
Anyone found a better way to seal a lens to a metal body ?