Help on Gear suggestion (for airsoft application)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 17, 2002
My uncle is getting into this sport with his fellow friends and he is asking me to get him a decent gear for this. :crackup:
One of his friend suggested to try Blackhawk merchandise, anyone has any experience with their products?:thinking:
He is looking to get at least the body armor (and the associated camouflage), helmet and other basic equipments. Since I don't have any experience with this sport, I am hoping fellow forumites would help in giving suggestions or advise.
The product/ gear have to be American made. He can get cheap knockoff himself. It is the quality gears that are hard to come by. :poke:
with regards to pricing, I have no idea how expensive the gears will cost, but since he will be paying, I would like to keep it as reasonable as possible.

thanks for any help in advance
You don't need body armor or a helmet for airsoft.

Start with good eye protection and teeth protection.
One of his friend suggested to try Blackhawk merchandise, anyone has any experience with their products?:thinking:

Blackhawk sells tactical products. I have a couple items from them that are well made. I've looked at and handled others. They aren't cheap or tailored to the airsoft market where price trumps durability in sustained heavy use.

I'd guess you mean a chest rig or tactical vest since buying actual body armor would be extreme overkill. Instead of the newer molle based systems he might be able to find something from the old ALICE system that can carry any required gear and look cool. Just check any local surplus stores.
Blackhawk gear is made in Asia. Their good enough for airsoft though.

If you want high quality, made in America, Eagle Industries comes to mine. They actually make stuff for the military. Not cheap. And Tactical tailor too.

Depending on his weapon setup, this will dictate kit loads.

ESS turbocams (good eye protection with fan for moisture control) and some balaclava or shemagh will aid in face protection. Pair of gloves like from Mechanix or Oakleys will help prevent stinging pain from 6mm.
Don't worry about armor, they hardly have any kinetic energy.

Well, you have to start with a gun so give RedWolf a try. They have a good forum and a lot of product and product ideas. They also sell upgrade kits and mods that sell cheaper if you buy them installed on the gun. The Tokyo Mauri P90 is pretty hard to beat for the price but he may have a certain weapon type preference that could sway him to something else.
Thanks for the replies guys.

The equipment(s) will be shipped outside of the US, so shipping any kind of "potentially lethal" weapon will be a little bit hard.

So blackhawk is made in Asia, that might be why his friends recommending that brand. The reason he wanted made in USA stuff is because there are a lot of cheap knock off brand that he can get himself. Also, it would be a bragging right of its own to have made in USA equipments. :devil:

From the replies so far, it seems that the equipment needed for the airsoft-ing does not have to be very advanced and complete. Perhaps he was exaggerating? :shrug: or maybe he needs them for something more serious? lemme get clear on this.

Btw, anybody knows where to get a nice forest camo suit?
From the replies so far, it seems that the equipment needed for the airsoft-ing does not have to be very advanced and complete. Perhaps he was exaggerating? :shrug: or maybe he needs them for something more serious? lemme get clear on this.
Some airsoft players are less interested in playing the game and more interested in dressing up to look like a soldier.

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