Help please


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
I just bought a 3aaa 3 half watt (?) led light about 2 weeks ago, ran fine until 5 minutes ago when 1 of the leds started flashing. I thought maybe the batteries were low, replaced them, still flashes, so I tried using recharables, still flashes, but when I used 3 batteries that had barely any juice in them, it stopped. Any ideas?
Sounds like a failing LED (if this is a white LED--did it turn "angry blue" in color--a typical sign that the LED overheated).

May also be other problems--but if the battery and switch contacts are clean--you should return the light for repair/refund.


PS: What is the brand/model? Others may have suggestions based on your reply.
The led was perfectly white, I got it at a gas station for from where I am, so I don't know the brand, it was working earlier this morning and I didn't drop it or anything and the contacts are clean.
For future reference, you may want to avoid gas station flashlights... They are on par with flea market lights...
For future reference, you may want to avoid gas station flashlights... They are on par with flea market lights...

Yeah I know:sigh:, I suffer from poor flashaholic syndrome. I think it benefit if I found somewhere to put a resistor.

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