Help! possible reasons my AW rechargeables wont work in my sure fire G-3???


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

17500 are not good, get 18500 instead, better in all ways.

It does entail getting a different body however, so you must be open to that possibility.



Nov 9, 2005
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

im confused why would a 18500 work and not 17500?

Please re-read posts 16 and 18 above :)

Assuming you have, I'll try to put together some analogies that might help further explain "why."

Imagine you have a sponge. You dip it into water, squeeze it, allow it to expand to full size under the water. It has now absorbed water. (think of this as the cell being charged up). Now you lift the sponge up out of the water and squeeze the water out. Everything is working fine. Now lets say you were to squeeze the water out REALLY fast, like say for instance, you put the sponge between to flat metal plates, and used an air powered hammer device to force the metal pates together really fast. Again, the water would be squeezed out of the sponge, but what would happen to the sponge? Imagine water trying to escape through the porous but slightly restrictive material of the sponge at super-speeds. The sponge would be damaged by the rapidly escaping water. It would cause micro-cracks and holes and stuff as the water forced it's way out. Exceeding the maximum recommended discharge rate of a li-ion cell can have the same effect. A P91 has a resistance such that a certain current is going to flow across it given the proper voltage, and that current flow (think of it as water flowing out of the sponge when squeezed) is going to happen if you have a big sponge or a small sponge, the smaller the sponge, the faster it would have to be squeezed to maintain the flow of water. A larger sponge is holding a lot more water, has a lot more surface area and capacity, so a slower squeeze rate will keep up with the flow requirements of the P91...

Possibly the most bizarre analogy I have ever come up with. But it's the first thing that came to mind at the time :)



Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2007
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

17500 are not good, get 18500 instead, better in all ways.

I would have to disagree somewhat with that statement and let me list the reasons why. :) 17500's fit into slimmer lights like my UBH and Vital Gear 3 and 18500's are generally too fat to fit into those lights or Surefire lights with their thick tough bodies that don't cause primaries to rattle too much and are meant to withstand serious abuse.

Also 17500's don't stress the bulb as much in certain applications, so they might be more reliable in the long run (with certain bulbs). My super-reliable rechargeable setup has always involved a Surefire C3, a P90 bulb and two 17500's. (and primaries for backup)

Not that 18500's are bad for a bulb, but they do generally hold the voltage higher over the run, which makes it brighter, but more subject to over-drive stress, it's something to consider.

A lot of these observations I've mentioned are relative and are subject to change depending on bulb and body used, with the emerging IMR lithium technology that AW is now bringing to us.
Last edited:


Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2007
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

If I go back to my stock bulb (a P90 I believe) I'll be fine with the G-3 and the 17500s? And while I've got you reading this would you buy yourself a 6P or a 9P as a gift to yourself? Which one and why? 6P or the 9P?


Oct 31, 2006
Borg cube #51
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

As mdocod points out, this has all been covered elsewhere.

SAVAGESAM, it would have been better to continue the discussion in your previous thread. I'll merge the two now.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 30, 2007
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

I don't have any experience with SF 9 volt lamps, but it should be fine. I think you would actually be underdriving it. It's a 9 volt lamp, and the most it will see from the cells is 8.4 volts.

I got my BOG setup running. :)

The setup:

With the spring soldered on:

With some arctic alumina:

I actually had to use a paperclip to get the negative contact working.

Black Rose

Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2008
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Re: OK guys I've given up on my AW 17500s in my S.F. G-3, will they work in a S.F. 9P

Possibly the most bizarre analogy I have ever come up with. But it's the first thing that came to mind at the time :)
Seems like a perfect analogy to me.

No idea how you came up with it, but I like it :D