HELP! Problem with my Fenix P1D-CE


Newly Enlightened
Sep 2, 2008
Honolulu, Hawaii
I have a Fenix P1D-CE (natural) that I have kept on my keychain for the past 6 months without any problems. I absolutely LOVE the light and use it often. Yesterday, I tried turning it on to no avail. At first I thought the battery may have died but remembered that I typically see a drastic drop in output with the light continuing to run for at least another hour. I unscrewed the bezel to make sure the battery was inserted properly (which, of course, it was since I don't typically open it up) and, noticing it was, reassembled the light to have it blaze in my eyes. I thought it may have been an isolated problem so I didn't think anything of it. When I tried to use the light a second time later in the evening, I had the same problem. Only this time, it activated after turning it on and off a couple times without working.

It's weird that the problem would be inconsistent like this. I searched CPF and couldn't find anyone else having this problem. I did, however, read that someone had sanded the battery contact with 1500 grit paper and polished with simichrome since it apparently leaves some kind of protective coating. Thinking this may be the problem, I opened up my light and noticed what appears to be a scuff mark on the contact. I don't understand how this would be the problem, though, since the metal is still contacting the battery. I tried cleaning the contact off and have even tried another 123 in the unit and am still having the problem. It is now failing more times than it is activating. Even after I get it to work, I can just set it down and try it again a few minutes later only to have it fail again. Anyone know what the problem might be and how to fix it? I would absolutely hate to lose such a great light...thanks in advance for helping me out!
I cant seem to diagnose that problem. But, if you bought that P1D from
Fenix-Store or 4Sevens, they will replace it free, no questions asked.
Clean the inside of the battery tube including the bottom with a Q-Tip and alcohol, then clean all the threads and head contact with alcohol. Let dry and relube the threads and O-ring. Bingo. Also clean both ends of the battery.
IMHO I think you`r "pill" is loose....

If you screw the bezel/head of and try screwing the pill will it turn...?
If it turns it could be the reflector that maybe comes down on the LED`s +/- at the same time that causes a short...
Its might actually be a contact problem. Use tissue and "unscrew" both sides of the threads with it. Clean the Center contact thingy too. And lastly, i guess check that theres nothing blocking the negative contact in the body?

all the best...

maybe its time to upgrade....:D

or even better, rip everything out, and make it a single mode super bright light and get a leef body. Its what i would do if mine stopped working.

I have checked the head to make sure it wasnt loose. As your guys advice, I cleaned out the entire inside of the body with a q-tip and alcohol and have changed out my battery to a new surefire primary 123. In the beginning it worked, but the light failed again after a few activations.

rockz...i did purchase the light from fenix-store, but that was like 6 months ago and I have a couple dings on the body since its on my keychain. Also I didn't see the natural color available for this model anymore...I really like the look of the natural finish but I will definitely contact them as a last resort...thanks for the advice.

Crenshaw...I have to say that this is my favorite light due to its portability and power and dont really want to upgrade it. I don't know much about DIY mods and would likely mess it up anyways. I just want the light to work the way it should/used to. As for other lights, I have just started to look at MilkySpits work and wanted to enquire about upgrading an old do you like his conversions?

again, thanks for the help guys...I really appreciate it!

If you need to make it one-speed that is quite easy...!
I`d do it for free but I live in Sweden..

I`m sure somebody will step up and help you out....!
Have you seen the LEEF body with a proper tailcap?
It`s a McClickie and about the same size but you get through modes alot easier..

You find it at under "custom flashlightparts" me thinks..

I have no less then 2 brand new original bodies if you need one to try and see if that is where the hickup is...
PM me you`r adress and I`ll ship it today as I`m allready shipping out other stuff to the fellas if you want one...
I really appreciate the offer lumafist but I don't think its the body. I have looked at the Leef body before but it looked like it made the light alot bigger. Considering that I keep it on my keychain and in my pocket, I think the light is perfectly sized as it is. How many extra mm does the Leef add? Is the body available in a natural (olive..?) finish? thanks again man...
Black only, I missed the part where you stated your`s was OD..
It adds about a centimeter IIRC...

No problem...:cool:
Fenix-Store is a great company. Just drop them an email and they should get you a RMA number, i have no doubt they will replace it free of charge. But, hey black is better than nothing, right? :thumbsup:
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If nothing works, contact Fenix Store/4sevens.

It could be a contact problem. Try a bit of solder(tiny bit, can't block anything) where the circuit board meets the body when you turn the light on, the round metal contact around the positive contact. If that helps then it's a contact problem. Don't try the above unless nothing else work and you are bout to contact Fenix Store/4sevens.
i have a silver P1D CE with leef in black.
I just wrapped the P1d Ce head with a black tape.

lumafist...I did look up the Leef body again and just saw the picture posted by nanotech. I like the functionality but I think I would buy a P2D before upgrading the body. I absolutely love the small size of the light as it is and want to stay with this model.

rockz...I will definitely keep that in mind and yes, black is most definitely better than nothing. If anything I could always get it sandblasted and reanodized. Its good to hear that fenix-store is such a good company. I have never gotten anything shipped to me for free as fast as these guys (I live in Hawaii so everything usually takes like a week or more).

gunner...I don't know how to solder but will keep this in mind as I have a couple friends that do know how to. I don't quite understand where you are telling me to it around the piece that contacts the + of the battery? or is it the metal at the base of the threads that contacts the body for the -?

nanotech...thanks for posting the pic man...I've been looking all over for a comparison pic! I love the setup of your light, especially with the cigar grip ring, but I keep my P1D-CE on my keychain and think it might be a bit too big for my taste. Do you have any experience with the P2D? or PD20 (updated model)? How do those compare with the P1D conversion..?
(oh and I totally the cheerleader, save the world...YATAAA! haha)

and as I always say at the end of my posts...thanks for all the input and advice! I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you guys helping me save my baby...
Personally, my P1DQ5 and Leef body is one light i will keep even if i sell all the others.

Milkyspit mods are some of the best you can get. I only wish i had more money i could spend on them! i would love to see what milky would be able to do with a P1D head...

Where the thread contacts the body for the negative contact.

I'd only do that as a last resort though(modding the light voids the warrenty, this might count).

P.S. I really like your aviator, it is from MGS3?
NEW DISCOVERY! So while I was trying to figure out where I would possibly put some solder to check for a contact problem, I noticed that the o-ring looked weird, probably a little worn considering how much I love to turn the light on. I totally overlooked this when I cleaned out the body with alcohol...I popped the o-ring off, cleaned the light again, and lubed up the o-ring with some mineral oil (it was right next to me when I decided I should do this). What do you guys usually use to lube your rings? or is it a better idea to just replace it? anyway I decided to try the light without the o-ring and whatta ya know...I had no problems whatsoever with activation. After removing any excess oil from the o-ring, I decided to reinstall it on the light. The first time I tried to activate it, it failed. But it lit up the second time and has been failing every so often, ALOT less frequently(probably like once every 50 or so activations). Do you think replacing the ring will solve the problem? I lost the replacement one that came with the light so I would have to go to Home Depot or the local hardware store to get one. Or should I just remove the o-ring all together?

crenshaw...I will definitely never part with my P1D. Even if I have to purchase another and another, I always want one to keep on my keys haha. I'm pretty new to all this flashlight mods/DIY so I dont really know how to read the chart posted in Milkys project-M post. Is he fairly easy to contact? and it may be a stupid question but he does all custom work right?

lumafist...I have been looking into the Cree MC-Es since I was thinking of getting the Malkoff MC-E drop in for my Surefire 6p but, from what I have read, no one has been able to find (maybe no one makes?) an optic with a fairly tight beam for throw. Even the malkoff is only rated at 140 or so feet while his standard M60 (is that Q5 or R2?) is rated at 350 or so feet. Do you know of anyone making a p60 style drop in that has fairly decent throw with a bit of flood too? I actually purchased a R2 drop in a few months back from Deal Extreme (11836) for only like $10 and absolutely love it. I wanted something to that effect but brighterrrrrr....haha

gunner...your advise on the negative contacts totally helped me figure out the above. thanks man! and yeah my avatar is from MGS3...its my favorite game series. I was just disappointed on how OLD Snake looked in GOTP (4).

anyways thanks again guys...looks like I dont have a defective light and will be able to fix it!:party:
got a pic of the o-ring? is it badly worn ? ....i use nyogel lube from lighthound