Help! "Raider" Arc-AAA GS with non-anodized aluminum head


Newly Enlightened
Aug 22, 2009
Hello people,

I just ordered the Raider ARC AAA. However, after ordering it, I realized that the one of the features is that it has a non-anodized aluminum head. I was wondering if anyone knows if this makes the head more prone to scatches, chips, corrosion, etc.

Anyway have any experience with this flashlight?

All in all, did I make a bad decision in getting a flashlight that has a non-anodized aluminum head?

You did fine. Keep in mind that the reflector part of an anodized Arc AAA is already bare aluminum. Yes the bare head might pick up scratches a little faster but it will be perfectly functional. And if you want a corrosion proof light, get the titanium version.