help request


Newly Enlightened
Apr 27, 2007
I have a Fenix E-1 that I have carried on my keychain for about 3 months. Somehow the head came loose, and my led seperated from my light. I found the led,but the two wires that were connected to the led are off. I have absolutely no soldering ( spelling? sorry) skills. Does anyone know someone who does repairs that is reasonable, as it is an inexpensive light.

is it worth fixing, or should I buck it up and buy a new one? suggestions?
thanks for any input and help :)
It seems to me that it might be easier and definately faster to just buck it up and order a new one. I don't remember for sure, but I think they are about 25 bucks. I know that's not cheap but it would probably cost as much to have someone fix it!
Bummer. I like the E1 and it sees alot of use around the house. You might find this a good time to upgrade to a better (brighter) LED. There are some folks around here that have done it. Maybe they can help out.

Welcome to CPF, timjmayer.


If you're in the U.S., send it to me and I'll fix it for free. I've done plenty of mods (10 this weekend, LOL) I think I can handle it. :grin2: Send me a private message if you're interested.
wow, you guys are great, thank you everyone...Flashcrazy, thank you! I will PM, that is a very nice offer,,,I would love to do something in maybe we can work something out,appreciate the response.

I am really thankful.


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