help! which way does the battery go in


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2008
Hi there I just got my new light, a jetbeam jet II mk3 and I feel a little stupid asking but there are no markings on the light, in the tube or in the endcap, I couldn't find anything on the box and there were no instructions. So here is the dumb question which way does the battery go in, positive to the bulb(front) or the endcap(back)

there's no stupid questions around here ... we were all new and inexperience at some point. Stick around and enjoy!
Not a dumb question at all.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've struggled with remembering which way the batteries go. Finally, I printed out a "cheat sheet" and taped it over the workbench in my shop.

Maybe others will find this as useful as I have:


Good luck!
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Not a dumb question at all.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've struggled with remembering which way the batteries go. Finally, I printed out a "cheat sheet" and taped it over the workbench in my shop.

Maybe others will find this as useful as I have:
Aaahahahahaha :crackup:
thats a bit mean Brownstone.....

i do hope you meant it all in jest, and that the OP takes it as such.

Brownstone, i'll print that guide and put that on my room walls just to be sure that i wont be making any mistakes :)

@beamer123: not stupid at all, shouldnt they include that information inside the manual or put a marking somewhere?
not stupid at all, shouldnt they include that information inside the manual or put a marking somewhere?

Yes, all lights should. A few years ago, I won a small toolkit as a prize, and it included a cheap flashlight that used an unusual battery configuration (not just a simple tube). It had no markings/instructions about battery orientation, and it had no reverse polarity protection. Guess how I learned the second part. ;) :(
@ Brownstone
ROFL :crackup: I've never seen that one.

:welcome: Beamer123
It is good to ask as there are a couple oddball lights that swing the other way.