Help? White spots on my DLP


Jan 14, 2009
I have a Samsung 42" with DLP technology. I did my homework when I bought this TV and got the DLP because I heard the LCD TVs crystals burn out over time. Now my TV has little white spots on the screen. It looks like dust or something went inside the TV on the bulb/filters or something now it projects on the screen. They are very noticable on dark scenes and when the screen is black. FYI the warranty is expired already. I saw that there is grills in the back of the TV that dust could pass through. Kind of bummed out because I try to take care of my stuff. Is my TV done. Could I or is there such thing as cleaning inside/replacing the bulb or filters. I dont want to do it myself and ruin it more. Any advise would help.
Is is the pre LED version or does it use a bulb.

It sounds like it just needs to be serviced/cleaned. There's nothing that can permanently cause spots like you're describing so I don't think there's anything seriously wrong with it. If it is the non-LED type I believe that version uses a color wheel but again, I don't think anything from the color wheel can cause that symptom. Mine is a 61" LED and doesn't have grills on the back. If this turns out to be serviceable I would cut some small foam shapes about 1/8 - 1/4" thick and cover those grills up. They'll still allow air flow but will stop the worst of the dust.
Thanks for the advise Patriot. I'm going to see where I could get someone to service my TV and cover the grills with foam like you said.
I know this is late but the problem that you are having is more than likely from pinholes or scratches on the color filters on the wheels. most chinese assemblies will have this issue over time as the cleaning of their glass leaves something to be desired. I manufacture these filters so I know of what I speak... for the most part.
Dust on the lens or wheel will cause dark spots whereas holes will lead to light leakage through the filters. One other cause could be that the timing is off on your wheel assembly causing it to dwell too long on the clear section of the filter or the bottom of the filter that is not coated with the Dichroic. Just my two cents..

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Oh Btw if you want your TV to last, please do not put anything but a high flow, low resistance air filter cartridge on the grating... they need all the air that they can get to achieve maximum bulb life.
It sounds like you have stuck mirrors on the DLP chip itself.

Here's a possibly helpful link. Some people are getting Samsung to fix their TVs even when they are out of warranty. Check out Solution #2 on the page I linked.
I have an almost 3-year old Samsung 42" DLP.

I should check it to see if I have the same problem.

I know I have a problem with a 1/2" high blueish bar across the entire bottom of the screen that I have not been able to figure out what it is.
MorePower Thanks for the link to that AVS Forum WOW good info. I knew someone from CPF knew something. I thought I was alone it seems a lot of people are having this problem and it gets worse fast. I will call Samsung on Monday and hopefully I stand my ground and have a good experience since my TV is out of warranty. My TV is around 3 years old and I never bothered to send in for an extended warranty. My wife and I dont even have it on all the time. I am disappointed since I always try to buy the good stuff when it comes to electronics. A couple years back I went to some company called Christies who make huge DLP screens for mutiple screens like for a dispatch center and found out that the DLP technology being used was by Texas Instruments. They had a mini DLP movie theater and where even saying that in the future that most movie theaters were going to convert to this technology. Thanks for everyone shelp. I will keep you guys posted.
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I called Samsung on Monday 12/14 and told them my sad story. I was ready to fight to the end just in case they hang me out to dry, but my experience was great. The Customer Service lady told me a tech was going to call me in about 1 to 2 weeks. The tech called me the next day 12/15 and is going to come by to check my TV out on Friday. Samsung is going to repair my TV it sounds too good to be true since I no longer have a warranty. Thanks the help I was almost ready to give up because I was negative and thought they weren't going to come through. Thanks again MorePower, reading the AVS Forums helped me a lot