blahblahblah said:
Yes, he might get away with 10awg without risking fire or damage to the stucture. But here's another way of thinking about it and of why it is worth it...
If you have 4 x 175w panels valued at $900ea ($3600 total).
Let's say the 10awg costs $50 and the 4awg costs $160 ($110 more).
10awg gives 7.5% loss and 4awg gives 1.9% loss (5.6% difference)
5.6% of his $3600 solar panel is $210 of lost/wasted capacity
$210 is > $110 of added cost for bigger wire
YUP, i second that, if you can deal with the unruley fat guage wires, even with such a high voltage (system), which will be less amperage and therfore less total loss.
Its amasing how much loss can exist via the trail to get it there.
And of good copper quality too, solid will work fine, stranded only if you need to bend it many times (non stable instalation).
fat wire important, especially when it comes to the distances like over 100'.
The voltage differential at the charge point will somewhat determine the charge amperage. so a small minor loss in total voltage, will result in a good loss of charge amperage. so depending on all the parts and pieces, the smaller losses along the way will result in larger changes to the total, because of voltage differentials of the storage and the charge.
(ok so it isnt said right, but Wider is better)
if somone wanted to put that into proper MATH for efficency, take your storage voltage (battery), and your starting voltage (solar cells TOTAL as measured not rated), now if its EVEN, then you have 0 moving electrons. so your efficiency losses, have to be determined from the voltage DIFFERENCE between the two items. math and science only gets complicated severly when put into reality :-(
so calculate your voltage DIFFERENCE, then your "total voltage loss at its maximum amperage" * , and that would be your actual efficiency issues. because your not shorting out the other end., its attached to something that is already at some specific voltage.
*i guess you would have to do the ohms thing to use that guage chart
ok math aint my strong suit, but i seen the effects on the ampmeter.