Help with battery powered LEDS


Newly Enlightened
Mar 16, 2008
I'm building a coffee table to display my autographed guitar. I want to add some bling with 8 to 12 LED lights. Its not so much about lighting the guitar but more about a cool effect.
So since its a coffee table that won't be by a receptacle I don't want to power it with AC.
My question is what LED lights should I use and what batteries should I use? How long can I expect batteries to last before replacing?

I made a visit to Radio Shack and I can buy LEDs and battery holders and I'm sure I can put it together if I knew what to use. By the way RS was no help.

Thanks for your time
Assuming you can hide it in the table somewhere, I'd like to suggest you make it a six volt system and run it off one of those square lantern batteries. They'll run half a dozen 5mm LEDs for months.
Immediately, battery powered LED christmas lights came to mind. They may not be as bright as you'd like though. Just a thought...
The batteries will be mounted under the table. I can go as big as D cells but I think a lantern battery would be to big. It would be great to get months of battery life.

Any more recommendations?

Here's a pic of the table


That cant put out a whole lot of light though. I saw an episode of mythbusters and they tried to do this. They ended up with about 50 feet of wire that needed to be straight and not all in a ball and they got not very much power. This might work but it also might be a waste of money.
That cant put out a whole lot of light though. I saw an episode of mythbusters and they tried to do this. They ended up with about 50 feet of wire that needed to be straight and not all in a ball and they got not very much power. This might work but it also might be a waste of money.

What the heck are you talking about?
You could wire six 5mm leds parallel each having their own resistor and power with 3 Dcells in series. This should give you ~80hrs continuous light. This should be very cheap and give three weeks of power assuming 4hrs. per night. Check here for resistor values:
Thanks for the help

Ok I've changed to 20 5mm LEDs. I hope to be able to wire them in series and need some recommendations on battery configuration.

Thanks again

