Help with changing the tailcap rubber & Weird Issue with C3 SS


Mar 17, 2008
Mississauga, Canada
I just received my Ultrafire SS C3 and I want to change the tailcap rubber to a GITD one. I went to my local hardware store and tried to find a small pliers to take apart the tailcap but they don't have any small enough to fit into the two small grooves.

What else can I use? What should I do?

Another weird thing for my SS C3 is that if I screw the tailcap all the way tight the light will dim, but if I loosen it one goes brighter light it should be. It's like having two modes but I don't think it is supposed to be like that.

Anyone has this issue?
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What else can I use? What should I do?

Buy or borrow some circlip pliers. They come with changeable nubs for the business end to fit many small holes. I bot mine from Sears.



I swapped several caps in these lights and all went well. Some, a tiny bit, of the center of the inside of the GITD cap should be removed.

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Use anything pointy. You don't have to have snap ring pliers, but it helps. I've used an ice pick in the past, or a set of sharp tweezers. I don't know what to tell you about the dimming, sounds like a connection issue. I'm sure someone will come along and offer up a suggestion.
I got an inexpensive pair of needlenose pliers and a grinding stone. Then I ground down the tips until they were small enough to fit the holes. Only took a few minutes.
You can also get round nose pliers in the arts/crafts section of WMart; look at the supplies for beads/beading. You can get a pair for a couple of $.

If you don't have a local WMart, and decent arts/crafts store should have them.
I've used tweezers or even a couple of nails that I put into each of the grooves and turned counter-clockwise when i didn't have pliers on me.

Look up "paper clip fix" in the forums...that may help with the weird issue. Also, get some rubbing alcohol or DeOxit and clean all the contacts.
I just used my regular old needle nose pliers (opened up) on mine, the insides were not glued in or even tight for that matter.

My SS C3 had the head and tailcap gap, I grinded down the body threads thinking that would close up the gap... Nope... Its the actual AA battery pushing against the insides that keep the ends from screwing all the way down (yes I made sure the head and tailcap innards were torqued all the way down as far as they can go).

I also found that if I really try to screw them tight to close up the gap the light dims or doesn't work at all. Haven't been able to figure out why, but it can't be good for the circuit boards in there so I'll live with the gaps.


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