Help with DX 7882 driver wiring.


Sep 2, 2006
Bought 3 of these drivers from DX, they are the new NJ-18 design, and came on blue pcb.

I soldered one and it didn't work, so I tested the other 2 without soldering, none of them seem to work. However if I bypass the the mode chip (detailed here: they all work in single mode, but I need modes!

This is where I am taking led negative from:

It's basically the single leg of that chip, measuring with a voltmeter reports zero volts, however on 2xaa supply the other 2 legs of that chip are showing ~2.5 and ~3.5v, but nothing from the leg I'm testing.

I've worked with loads of drivers recently and not had dead ones at all, seems odd I would have 3 in one go.
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Hey Bigsy,

I just got the same driver and am having same problems like you described.

Did you manage to get your boards to work? What was the trick?

Read the "All drivers are DEAD", and "QUALITY CONTROL?!?!?! " discussion topics on DX. Theres a link to some pics and a discussion here...

Its in polish though.

Apparently you have to solder a bridge over from C1 to Pin1 on the UI microprocessor.

I just received 3 of these boards too. I haven't had a chance to play with them yet. I'm not even going to try and use them in stock form, based on your reports here it doesn't even sound like it will work.

*edit* Looking at the pic above, it looks like the user has already bridged C1.

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