Help with Princeton Tec EOS?


Dec 23, 2009
Hey guys,

I've just been looking at PT's EOS headlamp, and it definitely looks like an awesome buy. However, I'm having some problems, some people are saying that the 'Maxbright' (Luxeon Rebel) LED that the EOS uses is sub-standard and not nearly as good as the 'Cree' LEDs that are available. Is this true? And considering this, would you recommend the EOS even though it uses the Rebel LED, and why?

Can someone please tell me if this <> headlamp is the newest version EOS with 50 lumens, with the Rebel LED? if so, why are the statistics e.g. burn time different from the stats on PT website?

Thanks, and comments are appreciated,

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I wouldn't say that the Rebel is sub-standard. It's just as good as most of the Cree emitters that you'll find in other headlamps. The EOS is a great headlamp, I've bought seven of them :)

And if you buy an EOS and aren't happy with the Rebel, it's easy to replace it with pretty much any LED you'd like.
I have 4 Eos, 1 of them is a Rebel, and the others modified with P4 emitters. The Rebel is as bright as the others; no complaints.
I have 4 Eos, 1 of them is a Rebel, and the others modified with P4 emitters. The Rebel is as bright as the others; no complaints.

It's good that the Rebel is as bright as the others :grin2: but then why did you modify the other EOS headlamps?
My new style EOS is everything I wanted in a headlamp. Warm white LED, nice low mode, and made in USA. I'd buy it again and again.
Hey guys,

Can someone please tell me if this <> headlamp is the newest version EOS with 50 lumens, with the Rebel LED? if so, why are the statistics e.g. burn time different from the stats on PT website?

Thanks, and comments are appreciated,

Hello WS, I didn't find that exact one on Amazon but I would be leery of any sight that doesn't clearly state that they are selling the current 50 Lumen Rebel model. I did find one on Amazon that lists the Luxeon model so I would say buyer beware because what you think may be saving you a few dollars will probably end up costing you more with the added frustration of a potential return. Stick with trusted sellers fropm CPF, Brightguy and Lighthound are just two that come to mind who carry the newest models and state all the specifications clearly.
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Hey guys,

Because of your comments and reviews, I've orded a PT EOS! Can't wait till it comes...

Feel free to continue to comment if you want

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I got a Rebel PT EOS from Briteguy off EBAY. He had a good price was selling the new version. I asked here first and others confirmed that he was selling the new ones.

I am as happy as a clam. No headlamp, flashlight, knife or gun will ever be "perfect" for people who are really into them. It is completely impossible to have "perfection" because it can always be brighter, smaller, longer battery life, cheaper, better made etc. People who are really into light want it all and they want it for $40.

My PT EOS has been just fine. The only real thing that I would want is a bit more beam and less diffuse. It seems like the beam doesn't throw a strong spot for very far. Sometimes while camping I hear something or want to check something out in the distance and the EOS doesn't have the beam for it. Anything beyond about 75' is not going to lit up well.

The buttons are not easy to operate with gloves on either but they never get accidentally operated so that is your trade off I guess.

That being said, I am pretty happy with it for 95% of what I need a light for. If you don't need a super focused spot and you don't need a pure wide flood, the EOS should work.
I got a Rebel PT EOS from Briteguy off EBAY. He had a good price was selling the new version. I asked here first and others confirmed that he was selling the new ones.

I am as happy as a clam. No headlamp, flashlight, knife or gun will ever be "perfect" for people who are really into them. It is completely impossible to have "perfection" because it can always be brighter, smaller, longer battery life, cheaper, better made etc. People who are really into light want it all and they want it for $40.

My PT EOS has been just fine. The only real thing that I would want is a bit more beam and less diffuse. It seems like the beam doesn't throw a strong spot for very far. Sometimes while camping I hear something or want to check something out in the distance and the EOS doesn't have the beam for it. Anything beyond about 75' is not going to lit up well.

The buttons are not easy to operate with gloves on either but they never get accidentally operated so that is your trade off I guess.

That being said, I am pretty happy with it for 95% of what I need a light for. If you don't need a super focused spot and you don't need a pure wide flood, the EOS should work.

The beam is very nice on the trail as it has a good cone of light. Something that will show itself once used more in the field. Yea the buttons are a bit hard and inlayed into the case more but sure is nice not to have it go on in the pack as it can't be locked out unless the batteries are removed I think. Also has a nice low. Glad you like it.
It's good that the Rebel is as bright as the others :grin2: but then why did you modify the other EOS headlamps?

Because they were originally from the time when the EOS only came with Luxeon emitters.

No need to modify the Rebel version, IMO. ...or at least until the next gen of significantly brighter and more efficient emitters comes out (no, I don't consider rank or tint differences a significant improvement to justify emitter replacements).