help with surefires LED's?


Newly Enlightened
Oct 25, 2007
I'm a UPS driver, and I have a spotlight thats great for lighting up house numbers during peak season... but i've been thinking about getting a flashlight as well. I'm not trying to replace a spotlight with a handheld flashlight or anything unrealistic like that... but the spotlight really only gets used during December... the rest of the time I USUALLY have a normal 8 - 9 hr day... But there are nights from time to time I end up working late, and working in the dark with only the headlights trying to pick off addresses.. well it sucks. So i'm looking for something small so i can easily keep it in my pocket or something. I know Surefire bulb flashlights will work, but i'm curious in regards to their LED lights... The LED's have 12 hours of battery life, where as the bulb lights have an 1 hr.

Will the LED's be of any use at 50' or do they disapate at a distance?

Kinda wordy sorry guys, but thanks for the help... if you have any other suggestions that would work just as good/better/whatever that would be great too.
I'm a UPS driver, and I have a spotlight thats great for lighting up house numbers during peak season... but i've been thinking about getting a flashlight as well. I'm not trying to replace a spotlight with a handheld flashlight or anything unrealistic like that... but the spotlight really only gets used during December... the rest of the time I USUALLY have a normal 8 - 9 hr day... But there are nights from time to time I end up working late, and working in the dark with only the headlights trying to pick off addresses.. well it sucks. So i'm looking for something small so i can easily keep it in my pocket or something. I know Surefire bulb flashlights will work, but i'm curious in regards to their LED lights... The LED's have 12 hours of battery life, where as the bulb lights have an 1 hr.

Will the LED's be of any use at 50' or do they disapate at a distance?

Kinda wordy sorry guys, but thanks for the help... if you have any other suggestions that would work just as good/better/whatever that would be great too.
The new SureFire L1 will cover your needs.
$135 seems kinda high to me, but i will keep you suggesion in mind...

I was mainly looking at the 6P LED which has 80 Lumens, 11hr runtime and $85


The G2 LED with 80 Lumens, 12 hr, and it's $65.

Or will the two I listed not work?
If it's not for heavy-duty usage you might be served well-enough by the lights on

I would look at something a little higher than 80-lumens (not considering how tight/wide the throw is). A regular G2 with the assembly replaced by a cheapo Cree ($11 sku 1447 free shipping) drop-in should be enough (just a guess, since I'm not cruising the streets like you). That would be $35 + $1, roughly (excluding tax/shipping)
If you have a Maglite lying around you could upgrade one of those for upwards of $20.
Dont go by me alone, (I dont want to spend your money) - but at only 50 feet the 6Pled or the G2L should be fine IMO.
Good luck

If you decide on a SF check out (call) OpticsHQ
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Keep in mind I don't currently have either of those lights, but from what I've read here any of them should work for you. The 6PL and G2L shouldn't have any problems at only 50 feet. However, if you can stretch the budget to the new L1 I think it could work better for you. It's got a lot narrower beam and will throw better than the other two, it's got a low mode which you could use for reading paperwork in the truck without blinding yourself, and it's a lot smaller so it's easier to carry in a pocket.

Another option would be to get a regular 6P, G2, or 6PD and add an aftermarket drop-in like gearbox suggested. The higher end ones are about $50 so the total cost is higher, but with something like the Malkoff or BOG drop-ins you'll have much better output and throw than with a 6PL or G2L.
I suggest you get either a Surefire 9P or a G3 (3xCR123) and get a CREE drop-in from either Malkoff or Bug Out Gear. I have the 6PL and Im not crazy about the blu/purp tint to the beam. The 9P with a Malkoff CREE M60 drop-in will give you over 150 lumens output for 3+ hours of super white light.
Also, the L1 would help you in the long run with batteries as it only uses 1.
So i'm looking for something small so i can easily keep it in my pocket or something... The LED's have 12 hours of battery life, where as the bulb lights have an 1 hr... Will the LED's be of any use at 50' or do they disapate at a distance?
If you absolutely insist on a Surefire, then the L1 would be a great choice, if not for the price (ouch)... I think what would fit your needs better would be the D-mini from Lumapower, $70 including shipping, and yes, it does out throw the L1 by some margin, so it definitely fits your needs well. Enjoy your light.
Fenix L2D-Q5 with eneloop Nimh AA rechargeable batteries.

180 lumens.

Cheaper, brighter.

Want CR123 ? Get a Lumapower M1 hunter rebel edition.

Also 180 lumens. Cheaper, brighter, yadayadayada.
I will echo what was said above, and ask if there is any reason you need a Surefire; is there any reason you need a Surefire?

To invest in an expensive light like that that munches expensive batteries...I would say pick up some Eneloops and a decent charger (if you don't own one already). You can use those AA batteries in *plenty* of other pieces of electronics besides a flashlight, too!

Fenix is a good recommendation, and there are others out there. I would definitely go with LED.

I dont "NEED" a surefire, it's just one of the flashlights that came up when I did my initial search. I had no idea the can of worms i was about to open by asking:eek:

I am trying to look at all of your suggestions and I do appreciate the help with this...
Keep the ideas coming:popcorn:
I dont "NEED" a surefire, it's just one of the flashlights that came up when I did my initial search. I had no idea the can of worms i was about to open by asking:eek:

I am trying to look at all of your suggestions and I do appreciate the help with this...
Keep the ideas coming:popcorn:

Then take a look at the Olight T20 Q5. It's a really amazing light for half the price of a Surefire L1. Lots of reach, plus 5 easily accessible levels make this a good general purpose light too. Battery Junction is the place to get them.
Look at the WF-600(review, comparison) with 2 18650 3.7v rechargeable Li-ion batteries and a charger. 2 hours(to 50%) runtime on high and longer runtime on low. Should be enough for at least 100m throw in a darker area. Total with batteries and charger is about $45 shipped.

The light is as wide as a 2D Maglite but is skinner overall and shorter.

+1 on the above post for the Fenix L2d Q5.
It will be plenty bright for your application, and with some Sanyo Eneloop rechareables, will get great runtime, and be very economical to operate. I edc mine, and use it quite a bit throughout the day.The Surefire L1 is also a great high performance light, I love mine,but you will be running it on lithium primaries, unless you can find some rechargeables to fit.
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+1 Cree L1, only one battery, a low mode for increased runtime, nice and compact, nice amount of throw (very impressive for such a small light), and reliable :)

Lithiums are a little more expensive, but at $1.75 each or so for great Quality Surefire SF123's, it'll take you a while to go through a dozen if you lose the low level when you don't need high output.

As much as I think the 6pl and g2l are great (I have one of both) I believe that 2 batteries, the lack of a low level to conserve batteries, and a bigger size to the L1 (in your pocket) sway my recommendation towards the Cree L1 in this case.

Just my 2 cents :)
Also, re the 12 hour runtime on the g2L and 6pl, look up cpfer Chevrofreak's great runtime chart in the reviews section, it will give you a better idea of its output. Basically you're looking at between 3 and 4 hours output at regulated brightness, then it slowly dropping off to a couple of usable lumens of light at the 12 hour mark before new batteries are required.

The L1 has a runtime of 1.5 roughly on high level, and 16 hours on low. It is again surprisingly comparable at least in my situation considering the L1 only runs on one battery...
From what I have read, the poster wants a good throwing LED light and he said Surefire because the was one of the better flashlight company he found in his search(Am I correct?)

IMO, the WF-600 set(with batteries and charger) would be great for what the light is used for.