Help with UV light purchase please


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2005
Las Vegas
I use a UV nightly at my job. I work the door to a busy club so Im using it all the time to verify IDs. I was using Streamlight Stylus UVs but for some reason they keep dying on me.

I would like something that will clearly bring out the holograms on state IDs and gov't passports. Something that can be used under bright lights (the Stylus works best when used in the dark) and something with a wider spill so that I dont have to scan it back and forth along the ID other documents I get called on to double check.

I was looking at the Pentagon S2 UV but not sure I want to spend $140 on it if there are other choices. I also thought of ordering just the UV head from Pentagon but remembered I gave away my Pentagon X2 to friend and I dont think that UV head will fit on my SF Z2 body. I was also looking at the Inova X5 UV but not too sure about how well it works. I was also looking on DX at the Ultrafire WF-502B but am skeptical on the quality.

I dont mind spending money on buying the right tool for the job. I appreciate any suggestions.

Thank you.
I have the 502b and it works very well even on the harder to see ID stuff and in daylight it works pretty well. If you need even more power, use an 18650 and direct drive it. Mine is direct drive and is powerful enough where you can feel the heat the UV generates when it hits your skin. To make it floodier, everyone recommends stick on materials but this is the one area where it may hinder since many diffusers use a material that fluoresces and will add to visible light; so you can sand the reflector to make it floody, to restore some throw if needed you can polish with metal polish. Anyways for only about 20 bucks you can't go wrong, especially since a lot of uv lights can retail for more than a hundred and isn't nearly as bright.
Get a 4AA florescent light from Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, etc. for less than $10 (usually about $6-7) and a black light tube to fit it (6") that can usually be found where they sell bulbs for bug zappers for the best price (about $6-7).

It is the proper wave length and will outperform most, if not all of the UV flashlights out there for your purpose hands down.

I would use good rechargeable NiMH cells like Eneloops and keep a backup set of charged cells with you.

If you stay is a stationary spot, you can get an 24 inch black light florescent 110v fixture from Walmart for $10. Plug it in and mount it to a post or the wall and you're in business.

Don't forget to use some type of 'shield' to protect your vision. Repeated exposure like your constant use will cause damage to your eyes.
I believe that the Stylus is rated at 375nm.Most UV flashlights are 390nm or more including the INOVA X5 UV and they will not flouresce as many things as the lower frequency.The suggestion of using a flourescent instead may be the best way to go.
If 390nm is adequate to your task the INOVA X5 is a great light(I have one).I think you will probablly need a lower frequency though.
Two suggestions come to mind. The first is an Arc UV but they're out of stock. :ohgeez:
So call up peak LED solutions (and I do very specifically mean call on the phone) and see what they have to offer. I know they had some great UV leds awhile back, and with the Peak light you can get it in aluminum, brass, or stainless steel with AAA, AA or CR123. So whatever floats your boat peak is likely able to do it.
If 390nm is adequate to your task the INOVA X5 is a great light(I have one).I think you will probablly need a lower frequency though.

I believe you mean lower wavelength, which is definitely what he'll need if he sees a lot of California IDs.
This is one case where a non LED light might be the most cost effective.
(I don't like thinking or saying that however;))A 6 inch black light tube would work.
I EDC (on occasion) an iNova X5 UV LED. I always EDC my ARC AAA UV:D. The Arc UV is dim by comparison to my white Fenix E01, yet for it's intended purpose the UV Arc has an excellent (lower freq?) UV LED. I would first suggest the iNova X5, but if it's known not to work on some state IDs, try the ARC or call/contact Robyn at PEAK. Perhaps a "new" lower frequency LED is now available; they are good people who are very helpful.
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