here i go!!!


Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2007
naptown, USA
i just got my mag85 today, bought it from dasanii19 (thanks dasanii19) here. he must have charged it before shipping to me, cause i'm reading a voltage of 13.75 volts from the pack, which would equate to 1.53 volts per battery. is that right? shouldnt the rested voltage for the pack be a little lower than that? is it safe for me to fire up the mag85 at that voltage?
1.53v ???

how '''true''' is yr DMM? get a second DMM for a second opnion on the current .... please

its sanyo 2700 minh, therefore please DO a search in the Search option above, keyword "sanyo 2700 minh" or nimh battery shootout, to see how yr batteries being tested

basically all hot wires are in some form of over voltaging the bulb, too much = changing bulb often

BTW, my mod only cost abt after US conversion rate ..... less than 90 dollars in total +/- ... :) (abt S$140)

if i not wrong, for mag85 lights, u shld let yr batteries rest! some time before flashing off as u are using a 9.6V bulb .......

instead of what i am using a 12v ...... :) and mine's a 2 D host ... :)

yr bulb specs :
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the battery pack is not hot off the charger, like i said, dasanii must have charged it before shipping to me. so its has been off the charger for at least 3 days. so i'm just gonna assume the my cheap dmm is innacurate (keyword:cheap) and just fire up this baby

edit: omg......its so bright, its so beautiful......thank you cpf, you have opened my eyes. *tear*

btw roadie, how did you come up to SGD140?
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omg, this light is amazing......i was happily surviving with my mag solitaire until i found cpf. look what did you guys do. next i'm gonna do the tail spring resistance mod and progold all the contacts. am i missing out on anything else?
don remod yr working mod light unless it has failed u first.

Do a whole new mod of a new light instead ..... please

try what usl or the torch of using 12 or 13 batteries setup in a 3D ??

i had problems of getting a suitable charger here in singapore for more than 10 batteries, else i would had done it also :(

XtreMe_G said:
omg, this light is amazing......i was happily surviving with my mag solitaire until i found cpf......

Welcome to CPF XtreMe_G. That a big leap from a Solitaire to the M85! There's a good chance your wallet was happily surviving before CPF. :laughing:

XteMe_G said: i missing out on anything else?

HID, for one. Keep hanging out here and you will realize just how much you were missing out on.
roadie, i'm not remodding, i'm trying to get the most out of my mag85 by reducing the resistance.

HID sound great.......when this mag85 stops making me giggle like a little girl (which might take a while) i'll move on to a HID. if this mag makes me giggle like this, an HID would probably give me a flashgasm.

ok, off to radioshack to get my progold

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