One of my favorite lights is my d10, i did the little tritium vial thing in the back of the light. At night is sits on my nightstand and glows blue right next to my green trits in my pistol'd sights, very cool.
I was just looking at the light i am planning to order, the new eagletac t100c2, they have added a cigar ring, "or whatever you call it" around the light, it has 4 holes in it, one is a different size to accomodate a lanyard, How cool would it be if these holes were made the size of a small round tritium vial, all 4 sides glowing in the dark, now i would be all over that. Will any tritium fit in the holes that are there,, ?
HEY EAGLETAC, sale me a cigar ring that has 4 holes in it that will fit a tritium vial. I already have the epoxy from my last tritium light, i am ready to go.
I was just looking at the light i am planning to order, the new eagletac t100c2, they have added a cigar ring, "or whatever you call it" around the light, it has 4 holes in it, one is a different size to accomodate a lanyard, How cool would it be if these holes were made the size of a small round tritium vial, all 4 sides glowing in the dark, now i would be all over that. Will any tritium fit in the holes that are there,, ?
HEY EAGLETAC, sale me a cigar ring that has 4 holes in it that will fit a tritium vial. I already have the epoxy from my last tritium light, i am ready to go.