Hi-Gain 250 Flashlight - A Fundamental Question


Newly Enlightened
May 25, 2008
To anyone who is browsing the Threads....Maybe I am not so clever as I would like to be, but I will state my problem.
Does anyone have any tips on openning the Back of the Hi-Gain 250 Flashlight to change the batteries and/or Bulb?


Last I checked, it was hold the light in both hands... left hand on the front, right hand on the back... and twist the two sides apart (which takes less than 30 degrees of rotation). I think right hand rotated the back side toward your body and left hand kept the front side still.
Thank you PhantomPhoton!

That was the only thing I didn't try!
It is hard to believe I am an Engineer.
Well maybe I have an excuse. I am an electrical Engineer.

Thanks Again,

To anyone who is browsing the Threads....Maybe I am not so clever as I would like to be, but I will state my problem.
Does anyone have any tips on openning the Back of the Hi-Gain 250 Flashlight to change the batteries and/or Bulb?


I just had my wife figure it out. There are 2 locks on the bottom. Move them as the arrows show and the bottom opens a little. Pull it apart.